39. In a Higher Place

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Song For Chapter: All I Want - Kodaline


I didn't know what to do. My heart was pounding, my hands were sweaty. Harry didn't need this. He didn't need another layer of bad news. Just the thought of telling him about his mother turned me into a stone. I needed help, and I knew from who. I just didn't know how to ask.

It was only the afternoon, Harry's call was just an hour ago. He texted me ever so often to tell me he was doing fine but I didn't believe that. He wasn't fine. None of us were fine. We made arrangements to me at a Hilton just off the high from Washington to Pennsylvania.

My hands were clammy and they were staining the wheel as I picked up my phone. Scrolling in my contacts.

"I told you not to call me." Even in her angriest state her voice was of an angels. Causing my heart to pound in my chest.

"So why did you answer?"

"I don't know. I- just- Good bye Lou-" I couldn't let her leave yet. I was so stupid, thinking I could just joke around like none of the past events had ever occurred.

"N- No. Wait! Leah!"

"What is it? I have nothing to say to you."

"I know that, but I need your help. I wouldn't be calling if this wasn't important."

"What is it?"

"Harry's mother died, and just an hour ago he called me about to commit suicide."


"I don't know. He calls me at least every week but it was different today, he sounded defeated and it terrified me to no end. Every patient I ever had has never been this far gone, I've always been able to bring them back and with Harry I just don't know. I need you to help me. I know if you are there you can stop one of us from doing something stupid once I tell him. Please Leah, this isn't about us its about Harry."

The line was silent for a while. I could hear her soft breathing, I could almost picture her beside me. "Where are you?" her voice was hard.

"Driving to Pennsylvania to meet him. He's driving from Buffalo thankfully I got him to meet me at the Hilton we stayed at off the highway when we went to the conference for work."

"I'm in Pennsylvania visiting my mom." I was smiling so big I could of swore she could see me. She was going to help, she was in Pennsylvania.

"Leah thank-"

"We'll meet at the Hilton, I'm already checked in you know how I hate seeing my mom let alone sleeping in the same house as her."

"Yes, yes I remember." Although the circumstances I couldn't help but giggle with excitement. I was going to see her.

"Tell me when you arrive. I'm on floor 12 room 1221."

"Thank you Leah. Thank you."

"I'm helping for Harry."

"Yes, right. Just Harry."

And as I drove past a sign that read Pennsylvania 132km away my heart began to quicken, not just from the excitement of seeing Leah again, but the idea of telling Harry about his mother and what he'll do.


My fingers traced along the wooden door of her hotel room, hesitant to knock.

Alright Louis, in 1, 2- but what am I going to say? What if she'll never forgive me.

Next thing I know I hear footsteps. My first instinct is to turn around and run. I swiftly begin to walk down the hotel hallway but a voice stops me.

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