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This book is finished and will remain as such. Requests are closed and new ones will not be done.

I've been meaning to do this for a long time and hope you all understand. The Sherlock fandom was great but there is no future. There isn't going to be any content for us and I'm sorry to say but Moffat is an awful person. It was fun while it lasted.

A shorter explanation is that I have fallen out of the fandom and am writing for other things now. Thank you for all of the support it means a lot to me.

This book was being made when I finally came out as asexual. I was writing it when I came out as agender and started using they/them pronouns. And as I am writing this I finally came out as romantic. 

The fandom helped me get into other things and I am very thankful for that.

I hope you all understand.

And goodbye.

-The Prince Of Flies

Johnlock Oneshots (Requests are closed)Where stories live. Discover now