Day #20 Dancing

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Sherlock clapped as Mycroft spun Greg around the dance floor. Their first dance as a married couple. He smiled. Finally, Mycroft was happy. Him and Greg. "I can't believe they actually did it," John said.

Sherlock smiled. "Neither did I."

Other couples were joining them. John looked longingly at the dance floor. He had been sad since Mary's death. He started dating again. He always left within a week. "If you want I can find someone for you," Sherlock whispered.


"Yes, Greg's cousin has been staring at you all night, and there are a cluster of women over there who would happily dance with you." and me, Sherlock added in his head.

"Nah not my type." Sherlock made a noise of agreement. Not dangerous enough. "Would you like to?"

Sherlock looked over. "What?"

John coupled, looking away. "Dance I mean."

"I would like that."

"With me."

"John if I knew you were implying I asked a woman to dance I would have said no. Yes, I would love to dance with you."

"Good," John said, looking flustered. Sherlock held out his hand and John took it. Sherlock pulled John closer and they started the waltz that Sherlock had taught John long ago. John pulled Sherlock closer. Sherlock stumbled a bit, he hadn't expected that. "Sorry."

"It's fine."

"I've been meaning to apologize."

"For what," Sherlock said, cocking his head.

"For being a terrible friend. She shot you and I still stayed with her. I convinced myself it's what I wanted. A quiet life with a wife and child," he took a deep breath, "but it's not who I am. I really belong with you. Solving cases and trying not to die." John grinned at his friend who had frozen in place. "Not this again," he whispered.

Sherlock suddenly dipped John and kissed him. They both righted themselves and kissed again. "Sorry I-" Sherlock was interrupted by John kissing him again.

"It's fine, encouraged even."

Sherlock grinned. "Great."

John glanced over. Greg was giving him a thumbs up and Mycroft was smirking. "We should probably go before we cause a scene."

Sherlock nodded and they left hand in hand.


I want yall to know that my Grammarly kept trying to change this sentence:

I really belong with you.

To this:

I really belong to you.

It was funny but annoying.

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