Red Flowers

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The longest one yet. Sorry, this took a while. I've been trying to think of a nickname for my readers and honestly, I think you guys should my creamsicles because honestly, it sounds like you guys. Cause you're so sweet!


Sherlock glared at his mother. "I will not apologize to him!" He cried.

His mother groaned. "Sherlock, dear, just say you're sorry."

"Never." He growled.

About two hours later he was standing in front of the offending human. The blond held out a bouquet of red wildflowers. "My mums making me give these to you." He glared at Sherlock. "This doesn't mean I'm sorry or anything."

Sherlock huffed and crossed his arms. "I'm not sorry either."

The two boys looked away from each other. "Ya gonna take the flowers or not?" He growled.

Sherlock snatched them out of the boy's hand. "Goodbye John." He said turning away from the blond boy, holding the flowers tight. His mother was waiting for him by the car.

"Good riddance!" John shouted.

Sherlock flinched. That was the day that Sherlock Holmes decided he hated John Watson. It was also the day that John Watson decided he hated Sherlock Holmes.

The day before was the first day of school. The day when Sherlock accidentally deduced young Molly Hopper to tears and John stepped in to stick up for her. The outcome had been a black eye for Sherlock and a tooth knocked out for John.

In elementary school, it was much of the same. The two avoided each other best they could. John would often tease Sherlock or join in to pick at him.

Sherlock on the other hand just ignored John. The small prank here and there but no one could prove anything. The worst thing was when Sherlock told Sarah Summers about John's crush on her. Which has turned into a fistfight between the two boys.

Middle school was surprisingly calm. There was an unspoken truce between the two. John still picked on him every now and then but nothing too serious. Though in high school things took a turn for the worse.

John joined the rugby team. As it happens the team was looking for someone to torment. John just pushed them in Sherlock's direction. He never touched the curly-haired boy. Though he was more than happy to let anything happen. Quickly the entire school knew about the feud between the boys. Most people took John's side. The other couple percent remained neutral. Only a handful remained on Sherlock's side. Molly Hooper, Irene Adler, Sebastian Moran and Jim Moriarty. Molly was head over heels in love with Sherlock. Even though many times Sherlock had carefully explained he didn't like her that way. Still, they remained the best of friends. Irene Adler was a surprising ally. She was really the school whore. A terribly rude name but even she herself said it. James Moriarty and Sherlock hated each other almost as much as John and Sherlock hated each other. But they kept each other busy so they formed some sort of companionship. Sebastian was Jim's boyfriend and wherever Jim's loyalty lies Sebastian would follow. Sebastian was the only one on the rugby team who wasn't on John's side. Everyone else was on John's side. Except for the captain Greg Lestrand who honestly could care less about the war.

Two years of high school passed and Greg passed on his role of captain to John. That's when things took a turn for the better, for John at least. Things would only get worse for Sherlock.

Sherlock cried out as he was pinned to the lockers. "What are you doing in here fag?" Anderson crooned. "Shouldn't you be in the lady's room you fucking pussy."

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