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So I found this necklace and thought Sherlock would definitely wear this. Ignore the American flag. I couldn't find a British one.


Johns POV

I had to go back into the army. I clutched the letter in my hand and sobbed. Sherlock came up behind me and plucked it out of my hand. I whipped around and tried to get it back but it was too late. He looked so sad. "Love?" I whispered.

"How long?' he asked.

"A week."

"Well then you'd better be ready," he whispered.

I got out of my chair and walked to him. I hugged Sherlock and kissed him all over his face. He finally let the tears flow.

That week was the best and worst week of my life. It was the best because Sherlock stayed by my side the entire time. He made sure that I knew I was loved. This didn't stop the cloud of sadness that radiated from both of us. After the week was over I was ready to leave. Physically anyway. Mentally, never. I made him stay in the flat. I kissed him goodbye and dropped a necklace in his hands. Then I left.

Sherlocks POV

I watched as John left. I opened my palm to see what he had given me. It was a necklace. It was a simple string with a metal charm on it. The charm had the following words on it.

The army has my soldier, but I have his heart.

I choke out a sob. I wore it every day. I didn't believe in any religion but I still prayed that something would keep my husband safe.

Johns POV

I was in the barracks with the rest of the men. I was twisting the ring around my finger, remembering him. I knew he was waiting for me. I had heard stories from other soldiers the last time I was here. They said they fought for their beautiful wives. I never understood it until now. "Is she pretty?" a man asked.

I looked at him. He gestured to the ring on my finger. I nodded. "Beautiful," I whispered.

"What's her name?" he asked me.

I smiled. "His name is Sherlock," I replied.

He froze. "O-oh I'm sorry I assumed." he stuttered.

I smiled at him. "It's fine," I reassured him.

I learned his name was Rick. He joined the army because his girlfriend had cheated on him. He lived in a small town so he always saw her. He said he wanted to getaway.

He died from a clean shot to the head by a traitor.

I cried for him.

Sherlocks POV

John had been gone for six months. I was slowly losing my mind. I was in the middle of a case when Mycroft entered the flat. I looked over at him. Cocking my head to the side. "What is it?" I asked.

"John Watson is missing in action," he said.

I froze. "Leave," I growled.

"Sherlock-" "OUT!"

I was shouting now and he looked sad. "Please," I whispered.

He nodded and left. I didn't touch the drugs. I couldn't. Not if he came back.

Two weeks later I had heard nothing. "Sherlock, you're needed." Mycroft's voice came from the doorway.

I was on the couch. My cheeks stained with tears. He walked over and picked me up. I had definitely lost weight. "Go get dressed," he said.

I did just that. Feeling numb, I followed him out of the flat and into one of his cars. In the car, I put away my emotions. If Mycroft wanted me for a case I couldn't sob in front of them. He led me into his house. "In here," he said, opening a door. I followed his inside. "Sherlock?" I heard someone say.

I whipped around. It was John. I ran over to him and hugged him. I let myself sob into his shirt. He held me tight. "You're lucky your brother is the British government," he whispered.

I laughed and sobbed at the same time. I looked over and noticed that Mycroft had disappeared. I would have to thank him later. I turned back to John to see he was looking at my necklace. "You kept it?' he whispered.

"Of course," I said.

He kissed me. He kept whispering I love you every couple seconds. I smiled into the kisses. My soldier was finally home after so long.

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