AnimalLock #2

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"You are an idiot!" Sherlock hissed at Sally, his ears flattening against his head.

Anderson rolled his eyes. "You shouldn't say things like that."

Sherlock turned to him. He leaned down as he was face to face with Anderson. "And why is that. Don't want me to insult your girlfriend. Didn't have a problem with it for the last four years."

"Well, I didn't have leverage then." Anderson reached into his pocket, pulling out some leaves. "Wonder what this will do to you."

Andersons rat tail flicked as he shoved the leaves in Sherlock's face. Sherlock stumbled backwards. He fell onto his back and stopped moving. Anderson squeaked in surprise and Sally hopped back, her nose twitching and her rabbit ears alert. Lestrand chose that moment to open the door. He was greeted with the sight of Anderson and Sally looking terrified and Sherlock was on the ground. His ears perked up and he smelled the air. John shoved past him having already identified the smell. "Who gave him catnip?" he growled.

Sally pointed to Anderson. "Well, I didn't think it would do that to him."

Sherlock had now begun twitching. Which made Anderson take another step back. What's wrong with him?" Sally asked, worried.

John put his head in his hands. He turned to look at Lestrand who was most likely dialling Mycroft. "We'll discuss the case later." John walked up to his twitching friend and gently shook him. "We're going home." Sherlocks eyes shot open and he pounced on John, flipping him on his back.

Sherlock blinked and started to purr and he collapsed on top of his friend, nuzzling into Jon's neck. John cursed quietly and tried to maneuver himself and Sherlock up into a sitting position. "Seems like freak likes you." Sally laughed.

Lestrand rolled his eyes. "Do you not know what catnip does to him," Lestrand asked. Anderson shook his head. "Do your research before you assault someone."

Anderson opened his mouth to say something but Lestrand escorted him and Sally out of the room. John managed to get Sherlock on his feet and out the door. Sherlock was still curled up against him purring and nuzzling into his neck when John finally was able to exit Scotland yard. Lestrand had offered to help John carry the detective but John denied him. Sherlock's tail was puffed up and his ears alert John couldn't see his eyes but could tell that the pupils were huge. John dragged Sherlock into the cab and Sherlock promptly curled up in Johns lap. John hand instinctively went into Sherlock's hair. "What's wrong with your mate?" the cabby asked, tiring to look at the two passengers.


"Is that bad? I mean I know it drives cats insane. I didn't know humans could go crazy."

"Well, he is a cat."

"It can't hurt others then?"


"Ah, good."

The rest of the ride was a silent except for Sherlock's moter like a purr. Eventually, they did make it back to 221b Baker Street. The stairs were hard to climb up but they managed. Sherlock pushed John across the room and onto the couch. His pupils were blown and the constant purr did not show any sign of stopping. Sherlock laid his head in the crook of John's neck, his body going lax. John sighed. "Well, I guess it could be worse." John started to run his fingers through Sherlock's hair again. "What was with the twitching?"

There was no answer. John groaned and continued running his fingers through Sherlock's hair. Sherlock took and deep breath and licked John's neck. John barked in surprise and pushed Sherlock away. "No," John growled. Sherlock whined and tried to push back against him.

"God your acting like an actual cat."

Another purr. John rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said, dropping his hands.

Five minutes of silence passed before Sherlock decided to take things further by biting John. John tensed. "Sherl," he hissed.

Sherlock stopped his assault and stared at the now forming bruise. "I'm going to kill you."

"Your tails wagging."

"Oh, so now you talk."

"I was only just able to find my ability to speak. I, uh, apologize."

John smiled. "Just shut up," he muttered and pulled Sherlock back down.

Eventually the purring turned to snore. John did get his payback for the love bite. Sherlock had to wear his scarf a lot more than he would have anticipated.


Sorry for not updating in a while. I was taking a vacation and never found the time to write. Requests are still open.

This AU everyone is some sort of animal-human thing.

Mycroft: An Owl with huge pupils and brown wings that do not help him to fly.

Lestrand: Is a Wolf with a keen sense of smell and bushy tail. He has pointy ears and can hear better than most.

Sally: A Rabbit with long brown ears that stick straight up. She flops one down because people apparently find that hot. She also has a pink nose that she covers up with makeup. She does not have a tail.

Anderson: A rat with beady eyes and long tail. He has normal human ears but they are abnormally large.

Mrs Hudson: A Bear with round white ears. Her nickname is Mama Bear.

Moriarty: A Spider with four spider legs on his back, abnormally large teeth and four black beady eyes.

Sebastian Moran: Tiger with tail, ears, and stripes along his face and arms.

Molly Hooper: A mouse with round ears on the top of her head and black button nose with whiskers.

Irene Alder: A Fox with a tail, ears and fur forming on some parts of her body. She also has green eyes that have slits.

Magnesium: A weasel with ears and beady eyes.

John Watson: A Golden retriever with floppy ears, tail, keen sense of smell and hearing.

Sherlock Holmes: A Maine Coon Cat with long bushy tail, ears, sharp teeth, his fingernails grow at an alarming rate, colourful eyes with slits.

I also want you guys to know that the otter and hedgehog emojis are next to each other.

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