Wisdom Teeth

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Greg walked into the flat to see Sherlock running around and John sitting in his chair. Sherlock suddenly stopped at John. He bent over and kissed him on the cheek. "I LOVE YOU JOHN! L-O-V-E YOU!" he shouted before running off again.

John turned around to see Greg standing in the doorway. He waved weakly. "Is he okay?" Greg said pointing at Sherlock.

From somewhere in the flat Sherlock shouted. "LA LA LA LA LOVE YA JOHN!"

John sighed. "He got his wisdom teeth removed earlier." He said,

Greg gave John a sympathetic look and opened his mouth to speak. He was interrupted when Sherlock ran into the room and grabbed John. Sherlock pulled him up and kissed him. "I AM IN LOVE." He shouted.

Sherlock ran to his room and slammed the door. The sound of a body hitting the floor was heard right after. Greg pointed at the door and tried to get words out. John laughed and grabbed a cup filled with wine next to him and took a sip. Greg gave him a look and dropped a case file on the table before leaving the flat. After he had left John stood up and walked over to Sherlock's door. He opened it so see Sherlock on the ground passed out on the ground. John smiled softly and picked his friend up. He placed him on the bed. Sherlock's curls covered his face. John brushed them away and kissed his forehead. "Love ya too," he said.

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