Did You Just?

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Sherlocks POV

I was in the middle of an argument with my brother. His husband was trying to calm him down and John was trying to calm me down. Lestrand was trying to get Mycroft to leave. I knew he wouldn't. He would never back down from a fight. If he did I would win. "Sherlock you need to help. The Queen depends on it," he said.

"If it's so important then you should do it." I scoffed.

John smacked my shoulder. John was trying to calm me down but he was doing a terrible job. "Sherlock," Mycroft growled.

I glared at him. John grabbed my arm and tugged it. I turned my glare to him. He let go and punched my arm. At the moment John and I were not exactly friendly with each other. I stomped on his foot and turned back to Mycroft. "You just won't do the leg work. Domestic life suits you. You put on a few pounds." I said.

Mycroft turned a bit red. Lestrand glared at me. At the moment everyone was glaring at me. John poked me in the side. I was ready to kill him. "Idiot," he muttered.

"That's it!" I yelled.

I turned around and tackled him. I saw my brother's face in the corner of my eye. He looked smug. He must have known we were fighting. He must have known I was near the edge. This distracted me enough for John to pin me to the ground. I struggled against him. I got one and tried to push him off. My hand coordination was off though. He was glaring at me then something in his eyes changed and he let out a moan. We both froze. I could hear Lestrand whispering to Mycroft. "Well that goes awkward real fast," he whispered.

I was shocked. "D-did you just?" I stuttered.

"It was your damn fault!" he whisper-yelled before getting off of me.

He leaped to his feet and walked out of the flat and into his room without a word. I got up and looked at the floor, refusing to meet their eyes. "I'll do it," I whispered.

Mycroft nodded and walked out the door, Lestrand at his heels. I collapsed in my chair. I tried to go to my mind palace but ended up sleeping instead. The next day John still didn't talk to me. It hurt. It really did. I don't know if he was trying to punish me or if he was just trying to avoid me. After a week of silence, I was more depressed then I had been in a while. My wrist had six new scars. I knew I was an idiot to do this. It wasn't like it was going to do anything. The pain just helped me. I mostly did it because I fell in love. Love was painful. I fell in love with the straightest man alive as well. John didn't get home that night. That was for the better anyway. I had passed out from exhaustion and hunger. He didn't come back the next day either. I forced myself to eat something. He came back but didn't speak to me. I left to work on the case Mycroft had given to me. That night I had arrived home. I was tired, hungry and had just gotten lectured by Mycroft. To put it frankly I was not in a good mood. John was sitting in his chair when I got in. I tried to walk to my bedroom but his voice stopped me. "Sherlock?" he whispered.

I almost didn't hear him. "Yes?' I asked, interrupting the quiet.

I hadn't turned to look at him. "So, Mycroft called," he said softly.

"What did he want?" I said glaring at him.

He met my eyes. He had been crying. What? He motioned for me to come over. I moved till I was standing in front of him. He grabbed my arm. I flinched and tried to pull away from him. He gave me a look. He stood up, still holding onto my arm and looked me dead in the eye. I gulped. I was going to kill that tattletale. He pulled my sleeve up and gasped. "Sherlock," he whispered.

I sighed, great another lecture. Then I was pulled into a bone-crushing hug. I gasped. He started sobbing. I hugged him back. "I'm sorry," he whispered into my chest.

"You don't need t-'' I said before he cut me off with a kiss.

"I do need to. I ignored you even though you hate it when I do that. I'm sorry I was embarrassed that I did" he paused,'' in front of your brother and Lestrand."

I was still frozen because of the kiss. He looked at me a bit scared before I pulled him in for another kiss. That night I fell asleep in his arms. None of us mentioned that week he ignored me, nor the day before that. After that John and I were a couple. We were both happy and the knife laid somewhere underground after John found it.

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