AnimalLock/Tagged Again

852 40 15

So I got tagged again. So here goes.

Sexuality: Asexual

Gender: Non-binary

Happy?: Not really. My friends aren't talking to me and the one that is is being really toxic. I will get through it though.

Last song: Can't Be Erased by JT Music

Hair colour: Naturally Brown but I dyed it purple and green

Star sign: Scorpio

Last person I kissed: Never wanted to never want to

Favorite colors: Black and purple

Favorite food: Sushi

Percentage: 44%

Celebrity crush: Again never had one, though I did want to be friends with Kim Possible for the longest time

Favorite vegtible: Carrots unless they're cooked

Eyes: Brown

Shoe size: 8 I think

Dream job: Dentist or writer.

Sorry for this my creamsicles.





















Apologize if you didn't follow me for Johnlock one-shots. This is the one I'm updating.


"Where is my riding crop?" Sherlock screamed.

"Sold it," John replied not looking up from his newspaper.

Offended noises came from the kitchen. Sherlock stomped up to John. His tail was puffed up and his ears were back. His pupils were slits. "Why would you do that."

John sighed, putting his newspaper down. "I sold it. You didn't need it."

Sherlock hissed, bearing his sharp canines. "I do need it."

"If you need it you'll get another one."

Sherlock hissed again before turning away. John turned around in his seat to see Sherlock putting on a coat. "Where are you going?"

"To get another one."

John blinked. "Where would you even get one?"

Sherlock grinned evilly. "I have a very naughty acquaintances who will have a spare."

Sherlock threw open the door and quickly scampered out just as John lept from his chair and ran after him. He opened the door and yelled after the cat detective. "Don't go near Irene!" Sherlock replied with a door slamming. John groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He walked back into the inside of the flat. He yelped as he shut his tail in the door. He quickly opened it and grabbed it. The gold fur was matted at the end. "I'll have to comb that out." he sighed and went back to his newspaper.

Two hours later Sherlock came spinning into the flat. John glared at him. "Got it!" Sherlock sang, showing John the offending object.

John glared. "I see you two had a good time," he growled.

Sherlock cocked his head to one side. "What."

John pointed to his cheek. "You've got a," he trailed off.

Sherlock's hand flew to his cheek to wipe away a lipstick mark. "Shit." he hissed.

John stood up. "I'm going to my room."

Sherlock ran after him. "John nothing happened. She just kissed me goodbye."

John whipped around. "And you let her!"

John's ears perked up and his tail was stiff. He could smell the perfume wafting off of Sherlock. He growled at the thought of Irene putting her hands on him. She was a fox, literally and John hated her. Sherlock lowered his head. "I was leaving when she did it. Please don't be mad. I'm sorry."

Sherlock raised his head, his normally slit-like pupils were round, blocking most of the colour in his eyes. John sighed. "She gave you catnip then?"

"Yeah." Sherlock wispred.

John ran his fingers through his hair. "Ok let's go and cuddle on the couch before you do  something bad."

Sherlock scoffed. "I'm never bad."

John laughed and grabbed Sherlock's hand, dragging him to the couch.

Mrs Hudson walked in with the tea to see Sherlock purring on John's chest and John reading a book. John looked up and smiled at the rabbit landlady and raised a finger to his lips. Mrs Hudson smiled and nodded. She set the tray down on the coffee table and left. John returned to his book and ran his fingers through Sherlock's hair. "You're never going around catnip again," John whispered.


When cats smell catnip they go insane. When cats eat catnip they get sleepy.

I tried to show that. I will have another fic about catnip making him loopy though.

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