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"You're up Watson." Coach Reimers said.

John Watson, captain of the football, stood up and ran to his position on the field. He was a goalie. He had to sit down because you weren't allowed to play for the entire game. It was the last half and they were losing. 7-4. John stopped the other team from scoring again. In the end, it was 7-9. They had won the championship. The team congratulated each other. Which was not at all kindly. They clapped each other on the back and made jokes about the other team. John rolled his eyes. Then he caught sight of someone. This particular person was smiling at his boyfriend. John ran over, the boy caught him and held him close. John smiled and kissed him. "You did great," Sherlock said.

John grinned. "I know."

"So humble."

John kissed Sherlock's nose. "Of course I am."

That's when Sherlock put him down. John wined. "Why?" he muttered.

"You are covered in mud. You need a shower."

John leaned up to kiss him again but Sherlock pushed him away. "Shower."

John nodded. Then quickly grabbed Sherlock's coat collar to pull him in for another kiss. Sherlock rolled his eyes and John grinned. "Looks like you might have to join me."

Sherlock had some mud on his lips and lots in his hair. His white shirt also had stains on it. "I hate you."

"No you love me," John said poking Sherlock on the nose.

Sherlock rolled his eyes again. "Just a little bit."

They smiled at each other again and walked to the parking lot.

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