Asexual Sherlock

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So just for clarification I'm not saying this is how all asexuals act. This is based on my experience as one. Asexuality is a spectrum and it varies from person to person. Some asexuals are ok with having sex and some aren't. The baseline is no sexual attraction. That does not mean they are broken in any way that just means they don't look at a person and think "oh they're hot". I know I probably did a terrible job explaining but I did want to say that because I don't want to offend anyone. Again this is based off of my experience as an asexual. I'm one who only wants cuddles and nothing else. I just wanted to make a story highlighting what I think would be some topics most fics don't talk about. This is basically just a huge rant in fic for sorry my creamsicles.

Now that that is out of the way.



Sherlock and John had been dating for a year. They hadn't told anyone yet. The only exception was Mrs. Hudson and that's because she lived with them and had walked in on the cuddling many times. They were happy without letting the world know. Letting the world know would lead to questions. They weren't ready for questions.

"Get over here." Sherlock groaned.

John exited the kitchen and walked to the couch where the detective lay. He was carrying two cups of tea. "Do you need to cuddle?"

Sherlock huffed. "Do I need to cuddle?" He mimicked.

John rolled his eyes. "If you're going to be rude about it I can go write on my blog."

Sherlock frowned, sitting thoughtfully for a moment, before sighing. "Can we cuddle," he mumbled. John took a step back. "Please?"

John grinned and continued his trip to the couch. He had just put the cups down when Sherlock grabbed him, pulling him into the couch with him. Sherlock maneuvered himself and John so that he was on top of the blond, curled up on his chest. John chuckled at his boyfriend, grabbing his cup. He held the cup in one hand, on the other hand, he ran through Sherlock's hair. Sherlock hummed at the touch if he could he would be purring. John laughed in surprise. If you had told him a year ago that Sherlock Holmes loved being cuddled he would have laughed in their face. Sadly the moment was ruined when Greg Lestrand threw open the door. "Sherlock I need," he stopped when he the two on the couch.

"What do you want Gavin?" Sherlock mumbled into Johns's chest. The detective hadn't raised his head from its original spot. John on the other hand looked startled and embarrassed.

"Since when?" Greg cried.

Sherlock picked up his head. He flipped himself over and got off of John. "A year. Now the files you wanted me to check."

Sherlock led a stuttering Greg into the kitchen and John sat in silence.

They had of course discussed telling people about their relationship but had never done so. The main problem was the questions. John wasn't gay, he wasn't even bisexual. He only found women sexually attractive. Though he was hopelessly in love with Sherlock. Sherlock on the other hand was asexual. He felt no attraction to anyone. He was head over heels in love with John though.

For the first month of dating, they had barely touched each other. They shared the same bed, oftentimes waking up holding each other. The tension however disappeared. They didn't have to worry about accidental touches or fear of confessing. The only tension that had remained was the fact that they were in a relationship.

John had never been with another man and Sherlock had never been with anyone that wasn't for a case. Then there was the problem of sex. Neither of them wanted it from the other. They were both terrified of the prospect. Sherlock especially. They had decided on the second month that they didn't need it to be happy. Of course, John still wanted it but Sherlock was worth it.

They never went farther than a heated make-out session that happened when they were both drunk. The cuddling was a surprise. When they started dating John hadn't realized that Sherlock hadn't been touched affectionately in years. Which led to him dragging John to the couch just to lay on top of him and not move for two hours.

Now that the truth might get out John was scared. He loved Sherlock, god knows he does, but he was terrified. Love meant sex. Or that's what most people thought now. He didn't want people to judge him. He just wanted to love Sherlock without the questions.

"John?" Someone whispered. John snapped out of his thoughts to see Sherlock looking at him curiously. "Are you ok?"

John shook his head. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"I told him not to tell anyone."


Sherlock moves so that he could bury his face in Johns neck. "You aren't ready."

John laid down again his hand settling in Sherlock's hair. "How'd you know?"

"I know everything."

John laughed at this. "I'm sorry."

Sherlock sat straight up, scaring John. Panic was in his eyes. "Why are you sorry."

"I can't tell people. I want to tell people that I love you and that you love me. That this bloody genius chose me. A broken soldier. But I can't I'm so scared." Tears were falling down Johns's face now.

Sherlock brushes the tears away with his thumb. "Hey, I get it. I want to tell people that the most wonderful man in the world chose to love me. I can handle the questions and the judgment but you cannot. And that is fine. I love you and I will wait my whole life if I have to. Besides," he rolled his eyes and waved his hand up and down, "they're idiots who don't know a thing and have to stick their noses into other people's lives because theirs are so boring. Let people think what they think. I love you and you love me and that's all that matters right now."

John smiled, leaning up to peck Sherlock on the lips. "Who would have known the sociopath  detective could be so romantic."

"Consulting detective."

"Yes, the sociopath consulting detective."

They grinned at each other and laughed. They settled back down on the couch and resumed their peaceful silence.


Now guys a little bit of a lesson. Romantic feelings and sexual feelings are two different things. One does not mean the other. It is fine in all ways. Aromatics who experience sexual attraction are not shallow. Asexuals who experience romantic attraction should have their boundaries respected. This goes for everyone. This is just something I need to say because people aren't being taught this.

I also thought this was a cute fic idea.

I will be posting more now I am so sorry I disappeared for a month. I've been at camp and when I'm not at camp I am either cosplaying or my family is making me hang out with them. Which isn't a bad thing you do need to hand out with your family it's just I don't want to spend every waking moment with them. And a person needs to just chill now and then.

I hope to see you soon my creamsicles!

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