Day #19 In Formal Wear

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John adjusted Sherlock's bowtie. "Never thought I'd be a best man again," Sherlock said.

"I never thought your brother would get married. Besides, you're the only one he really trusts."

"I never thought he would either."

"Gregs a good man."

"I know he is."

"Mycroft will be fine."

Sherlock laughed. "It's Lestrand you're worried about."

John guiltily looked away. "Well, the Holmes brothers are terrifying as acquaintances and as significant others their worse."

Sherlock pouted. "I'm a wonderful boyfriend."

"You keep telling yourself that," John said leaving the room with a dismissive wave.

"If you want you can break up anytime you know," Sherlock called, mostly as a joke. That's when the door slammed open. "John?"

Sherlock was pushed against the wall. "Please tell me you're joking," he whispered.


"About breaking up."

"No, I don't want to."

"Good," John breathed out and kissed him.

The kiss was slow and loving. They both had to take breaths but didn't stop. Sherlock pushed John away from him. "We're gonna wrinkle the suits."

"Too late," John whispered and went back for another kiss.

"John," Sherlock whispered. "The wedding."

"Fuck," he said pulling away. "We will finish this later."

Sherlock nodded grinning. John kissed him once more and they left the bedroom.

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