Day #8 Shopping

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"Here hold this," Sherlock said and put a bag in John's hand.

"Why are we here again?" John groaned.

"For disguises, a case and I want some things."

"I didn't think that Sherlock Holmes cared about fashion."

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Of course I care about fashion. What do you think this is." he said and gestured to his coat.

John sighed. He had never gone shopping with Sherlock. Sherlock went shopping once every six months for clothes and other things. John knew this because Sherlock got a lot of things. Though he didn't know why he had to come. "Again why did I have to come with you?"

Sherlock looked up from the rack of clothes he was sifting through. "Because Irene was busy."

John froze. "You go shopping with Irene?"

"She has wonderful advice."

"I bet she does," John muttered.

"Don't be jealous John."

"I'm not jealous."

Sherlock smirked. "Sure," he said and walked to the changing room.

"I'm not," John said, running after him.

Sherlock hummed in response. He disappeared behind the dressing room curtain and John sat on the chair next to it. "John, could you help with something?" Sherlock called after five minutes. John sat the bags on the ground and walked through the curtain. "I can't get the zipper. I think it's stuck."

Sherlock was wearing a short black dress. The zipper was only halfway up. John blushed and looked away. "Sure," he said.

He walked behind his friend and tried to zip the dress. The fabric must have been caught in the zipper. He grumbled and fidgeted with it. "Are you ok?" Sherlock asked.

"Just fine."

"I'm sorry I made you come with me."

"It's fine."

John wanted out of there. This close to Sherlock. With Sherlock wearing this. Well, he looked downright delicious. If John didn't want Sherlock before he definitely wanted him now. Finally, the zipper came loose and he was able to zip it up. Sherlock turned around. "Thank you. Since you're here. How do I look?" Sherlock asked and did a twirl.

"Fuck," John whispered.


That's when John pushed Sherlock against the wall. "Well you look gorgeous and I really, really wish you would stop teasing me or doing whatever the fuck you're doing."

"I'm not doing anything."

"We both know that that's a lie," John said, pressing his face into Sherlock's neck.

Sherlock let out a whimper. "You've been ignoring me every time I flirt," Sherlock whispered.

John hummed and kissed the detective. "You're not the best at flirting." he mumbled into the kiss."

Sherlock moaned and grabbed John's shirt. John grabbed his hair and pulled him closer. They pulled away breathless. "You're getting the dress and we're going home because I really don't feel like being caught."

Sherlock blushed and nodded. "I need to." he paused and gestured to his clothes and the dress. "Could you."

John smirked and motioned for Sherlock to turn around. He pulled the zipper down slowly. Then he kissed Sherlock's cheek. "Please hurry up."

Sherlock nodded. The shopping trip had gone better than expected.

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