Day #10 With Animal Ears

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Everyone was still human, at heart. Everyone just had a sort of animal side to them. A tail, or ears, sometimes wings, or scales. Sometimes their eyes were the only things changed. Sometimes they were like werewolves. All furry with not much of a human side. Though life was still the same. Just with more murders than usual. Not that these two were complaining.

Sherlock was, well, a cat. He behaved a lot like one. A bit lazy, cuddly but he hated to be touched, and very very vocal. And he looked the part. With his black ears and tail. Then there were his eyes. Like slits. Blue-green slits. The only one who had seen them round was John Watson. As unlikely as it seems.

John was a dog. Not to be offensive. He just was. He has floppy ears and a tail. A tail that often wagged out of control when around Sherlock. He was fiercely loyal, especially to Sherlock.

Surprisingly these two did not hate each other. Quite the opposite in fact.

"Don't make me bite you," Sherlock said.

"You wouldn't bite me," John replied and set his newspaper down.

"I will," Sherlock growled showing his sharp canines.

John rolled his eyes. "You're all bark and no bite."

Sherlock looked offended. "Bark?"

"It's an expression."

"Well, the expression is rude."

"Only to you."

Sherlock's ears twitched. "And to every other cat person out there!"

"Sherlock I am sorry that I threw your experiment away but it was rotting and smelled terrible."

"I didn't smell it."


John went back to his newspaper. Sherlock looked away, hissing. He hopped off his chair and walked over to the couch. His tail flicking the entire way. He collapsed onto the couch, spreading himself out so he covered the entire thing. John rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. "Do you need attention?" he asked.

"Yes," came a muffled reply.

John chuckled and got up, setting down his newspaper. Sherlock being a cat needs attention. Even before they started dating Sherlock would often curl up in his lap anytime he sat down. This led to a couple of breakups with women. Not the John minded now. He got to the couch and moved Sherlock so that he could hold him. Sherlock's head rested on Johns chest as he started purring. Sherlock's purr turned to more of a rumble as John started playing with curls. "Is this puppy love?" Sherlock whispered.

"I hate you."

"You started it," Sherlock said grinning.

He reached up to scratch behind John's ear. "Why don't you take a cat nap?"

Sherlock hissed and pulled his hand away. "You're mean."

"Am not."

"Are too."

John leaned down to kiss him. "Hush now." Sherlock blushed. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Naw but I think it might have yours."

And with that Sherlock pressed his lips to Johns, kissing him roughly. His tongue slipping into Johns mouth. "Well, it seems the cat does have my tongue." John panted after Sherlock pulled away.

"Wonder if the dog wants mine." Sherlock purred.

"Oh, he does," John growled and pulled Sherlock in for another kiss.


I really enjoyed writing this AU. Let me know if you liked it.

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