The spark

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So this one is sort of Angsty. WARNING, Homophobia, F-slurs, bullying. Enjoy?


John pushed Sherlock against a locker. Sherlock bashed his head on the cold metal, momentarily closing his eyes. He opened them to glare at John. Anderson and Sebastian flanked him. "Hiya freak," John said.

Anderson and Sebastian laughed while Sherlock tried to break free from Johns grip. John smiled at him menacingly. "Oh, we're not done with you yet," John whispered.

"Yeah, fag," Anderson added.

Sebastian turned to glare at him and John visibly flinched. Sebastian's twin brother Sevrin had been dating Richard Brook for months now. "Watch it, Anderson," Sebastian growled.

Anderson looked down at the ground in shame. John turned his gaze back to Sherlock. They picked on him cause he was strange. John loved the spark in his eyes though. He loved how when they were throwing punches he still glared defiantly. He always had that spark. A spark that John had come to love. He dropped Sherlock to the ground and kicked him. "Fuck you," Sherlock growled.

John dropped to the floor and grabbed Sherlock by the collar and pulled him back up. He bashed Sherlock against the locker before dropping him again. John signalled Sebastian and Anderson. "You two can have him," John said.

John walked down the hallway. About two months ago he found out that he couldn't bear to hurt Sherlock anymore. He already felt his heartbreak when he slammed Sherlock against the locker. Everyone expected this from him. He wanted to stop he just couldn't. He forced himself not to turn back when he heard Sherlock cry out. He found himself falling in love with the boy. Of course, the boy would never return it. The only way he talked to John was when they were trying to kill him. At least he could love that spark in his eyes even from afar.

It was two weeks later when John finally saw Sherlock again. He had been missing and no one knew where he was. Molly Hooper had asked a teacher about it. The teacher only said that he was on an excused absence. John couldn't help but wonder if Anderson or Sebastian hurt him too badly. He saw Sherlock by his locker collecting his books. He longed to go over to talk to him. He knew he couldn't do that. Sherlock closed his locker and walked down the hallway. He was looking at the floor. That was strange usually Sherlock held his head up high and pushed through the crowd. This didn't seem like John's Sherlock. Well, not John's but he wished.

It wasn't until math when he saw Sherlock again. Sherlock was late for class. Which was a rare occurrence, only happing if John and the rest of the football team had a bit of fun before class. Instead of his normal spot at the front of the class. Right in front of John were he could admire the boy's curly hair. Sherlock sat at the back in an empty chair, keeping his head low the entire way. Something was definitely wrong.

Johns POV

At the end of school, I was turning the corner of the hall, hoping to find Sherlock at his locker. I did, in fact, find him there. Just not alone. He was being pinned to a locker by Anderson. Sebastian was probably busy with Jame Moriarty. They had finally admitted that they were dating a week ago. Anderson didn't hear me coming so I was able to get close enough to hear what he was saying. "You did this. Whatever sickness you have is going around. My friend got it and now he's a cock sucker like you." Anderson growled.

Sherlock's face was turning blue and he glanced over to me. Anderson saw it and turned. "Hi, John. Just giving the freak what he missed," he said smiling.

"Put him down Anderson you're going to kill him," I said my voice wavering slightly.

"So. I'll just put him out of his misery," Anderson said chuckling.

"We wouldn't have something to play with if you kill him. Why don't you go screw, Sally?" I said. My confidence was growing.

Anderson dropped him and stalked away. I walked over to Sherlock and he visibly flinched. I felt my heartache. I kneeled down and offered my hand. He looked me dead in the eye. And that's when I saw it. The spark that I loved, was gone.

It had been four days since that happened. The football team still beat Sherlock but never me. I couldn't. What had broken the boy that I loved? I blamed myself. So I did what any rational human being would do. I followed him.

After the football team had finished with him Sherlock left the school. His head was still down. I followed him street after street until he turned into a cemetery. Ok, that was a bit creepy. I looked up at the sign. Worcester's Pet Cemetery. He watched as Sherlock walked over to what looked like a fresh grave. He dropped to his knees and began talking. "Hey, Redbeard. Sorry I couldn't make it yesterday. Mycroft found me after Anderson knocked me out. John still isn't hurting me so that's better. He keeps watching me though. He might be planning something. Maybe he likes me? No, he wouldn't. I miss you. This is getting hard. I'm going to have to call Mycroft. I can't walk." Sherlock kept talking to the grave and I made his way closer. I was about a foot away when he froze. He whipped around and when he saw me his face contorted into that of fear. "W-what are you?" he tried.

He was cute when he was stuttering. But not like this. "Sorry I just wanted to know what happened," I said. Also, I have a major crush on you and I wanted to help you. I mentally added the last one.


"The spark in your eyes. It's gone."

"The spark?"

"Yes, the spark now what happened? I promise I won't hurt you." I knew he was still wary but I sat down on the ground for further measure.

"My dog died. He was my best friend."

"I'm sorry."

He looked at me confused. I smiled at him. "Why are you being nice to me?" he asked.

"Because you don't deserve it. I'm so sorry for what I did. I can't believe I let them do that to you. I'm an idiot. Please forgive me. Can we start over?" I rambled.

He just stared at me. He raised his head and glared. "I don't believe you," he whispered.

I felt my heartbreak. I grabbed his shoulders and pull him in for a hug. "I'm so sorry," I whispered.

He started sobbing. I just held onto him. I started rubbing his back. After five minutes of me just listening to him, he pulls away. He doesn't look at me. I raise his chin up so his eyes meet mine. Then I do something I thought I would never get to do. I kissed him. I was shocked when he kissed back. I would help Sherlock get his spark back in his eyes even if it killed me.


So hope Y'all liked it. Again please request.

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