You Didn't tell me

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So I'm sorry about all the angst but really it ends up fine.


Sherlocks POV

I saw John in the restaurant. He was going to propose. I felt my heartbreak. It wasn't me. He had moved on. I couldn't do this to his. I couldn't hurt him. I turned around and walked to 221B Baker Street. My brother was at the door. "Mycroft what do you want?" I asked.

"How did it go brother mine?" he asked.


"How did John take it?"

I looked away. "You didn't tell him?" He asked

I looked at my feet. He sighed and looked at me sympathetically. "Don't overdose," he said.

"I won't," I called after him.

I opened the door and trudged upstairs. I opened the door and collapsed on the couch. Closing my eyes. I hoped they never opened again. Never saw this cruel world again. A world in which John Watson would never love me.

Johns POV

I was meeting with Greg to plan for my wedding. It didn't feel right but I forced my self to think I loved her. Sometimes I let my self love Sherlock. I snapped out of my thoughts. I couldn't think like that. I had moved on. I was in love with Mary. I  pushed the voice that told me the truth away. I walked into the restaurant to see Greg already at a table. I walked over waving. "Hey Greg," I said.

"Hey John," he said smiling.

I sat down and we talked before being interrupted by his phone going off. He groaned and picked it up. "Oh god," he whispered his eyes widening.

"What happened?" I asked. I was worried it was something with Mycroft. He and Greg had been dating for three years.

"Sherlock might have gotten himself in trouble," he said.

I looked at him funny. "Greg Sherlock's dead,'' I said quietly.

He looked at me in horror. "He didn't tell you. That utter cock," he said.

"Greg, what are you talking about?" I said.

He sat back down and looked me dead in the eye. "Sherlock faked his death. He's back. The paper had a whole article about it and the news was on it for days. He's back at 221B." he said.

I froze. No sherlock couldn't be alive. He couldn't. "I have to go sorry John," Greg said apologetically.

He ran out of the restaurant leaving me confused. He couldn't be alive. Not after I had already proposed. I stood up and walked out of the restaurant. Luckily Greg and I didn't have time to get food. I got a taxi to 221B Baker Street. He better be dead or I'm going to kill him myself. When I arrived I paid the driver and opened the door. I still had the key. I always had it on me. I closed the door behind me before walking up the stairs and throwing the door open. I breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't see anyone. I searched the entire flat and couldn't find anyone. "Looking for me?" a voice said. I knew that voice.

"Sherlock?" I said turning around.

He stood leaning against the doorway. He looked guilty. He wasn't looking at me. I felt my heart fill with bubbling rage. I took a couple of deep breaths. I couldn't hurt him. But god I wanted to punch him. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked my voice shaking.

"You were so happy. I couldn't hurt you again. You were happy with that woman. You moved on. You were proposing for god's sake. I couldn't ruin that." he said. He was obviously struggling to hold back tears. I was the only one that he let see his emotions. It had been almost three years since he let anyone see. He was breaking down.

"I wish you did," I said.

He looked shocked. "John what do you-" he was silenced when I crossed the room and kissed him.

I put all my emotions into the kiss. I pushed him against the wall. He kissed back after a while. We were like this for a while. Whenever Sherlock would pull away to breathe I would grab him again. "John!" a shocked voice came from the entrance.

I turned to see an angry Mary standing in the doorway. I was a bit annoyed she interrupted us. I kept Sherlock pinned to the wall as I spoke. "Sorry, Mary weddings off."

"What how could you do this to me?" she screamed.

"Well, considering the fact that we were going to break up because you already cheated. It's really not that bad," I said.

I had caught her fucking with her old boyfriend but didn't let her know. I thought I could make it work. It was obvious she was cheating more though. She turned bright red and stomped out. "I'll come and get my stuff tomorrow!" I called after her.

I turned back to Sherlock. "Now where was I," I asked.

"Well you were in the middle of snogging me and I'm pretty sure you had something else in mind," he said smiling a bit.

I kissed him again. Dang, he should have told me sooner. I would have loved to do this sooner. I would probably lose all my belongings in Mary's house but at the moment I had plans for the brilliant man that I had pinned against the wall.


So a bit smutty. I'll leave your imaginations to the rest. Request.

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