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I wrote this on my cat Binx's birthday. Hope yall enjoy it. I used my own cats in the stories. Just some cute fluff.


Johns POV

I carefully entered the flat hoping that I didn't disturb its occupant. I carried the box that I held in my hands over to the couch. "What have you got there John?" a voice behind me asked. I let out a shriek of sorts and almost dropped the box. "What's in the box?" Sherlock asked.

I sighed. "Cats," I said.

He blinked. "What?"

"You heard me. Cats." I walked to the couch and set my box down.

I opened the flaps and a black figure jumped out. The black cat walked over to Sherlock. It sniffed his leg and sat down in front of him. Sherlock looked confused. It cocked its head and looked at Sherlock. Then it screamed. Sherlock jumped away looking startled. I left Sherlock and the cat alone and turned back to the box. A silver tabby cat looked back at me. I picked it up and stroked it, turning back to Sherlock. I laughed when I saw that he had retired to his chair and was glaring at the fuzzy intruder. "Why?" he growled.

"My sister needed me to take care of them for a week."

"Well tell your sister we can't."

I rolled my eyes. "They're only here for a few days, you can live."

"They might not," he mumbled now he was perched on top of his chair as the cat had learned it could climb up into his seat.

I walked over to him and pulled him off the seat. I held him in my arms and glared at him. "You will not hurt the cats you got it. You might like cats, they act a lot like you."

He crossed his arms and glared at me. "They do not."

I dipped my head to kiss his forehead. "They really do love."

Over the next few days, the cats learned to live with us and we learned to live with the cats.

There was a small black one who was about one year old. His name was Binx, I suspect my sister named him after the movie Hocus Pocus. Clara and I would watch that every Halloween. He was fluffy and might have been part, Maine Coon. He had a blond spot on his flank from what my sister told me she accidentally bleached him. She left her bleach in the sink and he decided it would be a good napping spot. He didn't really meow, he just screamed. I loved how much it scared Sherlock.

Stella was a silver tabby. She was kind of big and heavy and often slept on Sherlock when he went into his mind palace. She did meow and would smack Binx if he was annoying. They were like siblings. Siblings that annoyed each other.

Sherlock still said he hated them but I caught him petting them and spoiling them with more food. The day finally came for the cats to leave. I met Clara at the door and brought her inside. "So how have they been?" she asked.

"They've been wonderful. I think Sherlock likes them as well but don't tell him I said anything."

She smiled. "How has he been? Not been naughty, has he?"

I rolled my eyes. "He's been just fine.'' I paused and dropped my voice to a whisper. "I've been thinking about proposing."

Clara grinned and clapped her hands. "Oh invite me, please. Though leave mum and dad out of it. On second thought maybe mum. Not Dad."

We both shuddered when we thought about our father. Then I realized she was still standing outside. "Well, I do have to invite you inside."

We both laughed and walked up the stairs to the flat. I opened the door and froze when I saw the couch. "I'm taking a picture," Clara mumbled, rummaging through her purse. 

Sherlock had fallen asleep on the couch and the cats were curled up against him. I smiled. "I might have to get a cat myself."

Not wanting to wake Sherlock up I carefully moved the cats away from him and put them in a cat carrier I had gotten. It was an upgrade from the cardboard box my sister had been keeping them in. I waved goodbye to my sister. "Call me anytime you need me to take them. Me and Sherlock are more than open."

She smiled and nodded. "Is she gone?" a quiet voice said.

I turned back to my boyfriend. "Did we wake you?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

"So you heard what I said about getting a cat then?" I said walking towards him.

He sat up and held out his arms for a hug. "Yep."

I grabbed his waist and he did the same. We laid on the couch together. "So what do you think?"

"I want to name it McGonagall," Sherlock mumbled into my neck.

"I never should have let you read Harry Potter."

"You loved watching it with me though."

I laughed. "Well, we didn't really watch much."

"We would have it you wouldn't stop kissing me."

We laughed. "I'll drop by the pet store after work then."

He sighed. "I don't trust you to pick out a cat."

"Is that your way of saying you want to come with me?"


"McGonagall then."

"McGonagall." he agreed.

It was another five minutes before we spoke again. "Told ya you would like the cats."

"Shut up."


Here's a couple of pictures of my cats to brighten your day. I know they are bad pictures I am sorry. Binx does actually scream. It has become a game that if he screams I scream back louder. They are both outside cats. They are also both done with each other.

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