Day #17 Spooning

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John wrapped his arms around Sherlock's waist. Pulling him closer to him. He nuzzled into Sherlock's neck. "What 'r you doing?"



"Basically when someone holds someone else like this."

"Why's it called that."

"I don't know, just go to sleep."

"Why not just call it cuddling?"

"Cause they didn't, sleep."

"Well, now I'm awake and confused."

"Good, I confused the great Sherlock Holmes. That's a first."

"You do it every day."

"How so?"

"Loving me. A sane person would have left by now."

"Well, luckily we're both not sane."


John kissed Sherlock's cheek smiling. "A sane person would have married you," he said and grabbed Sherlock's left hand, rubbing the ring on it.

"No would have married me except you. Cause you're an idiot and now you're stuck with me."

"Wouldn't have it any other way, love," John said and kissed Sherlock's cheek again. "Now please go to sleep."

"Fine," Sherlock grumbled.

John nuzzled back into Sherlock's neck. Sherlock stands up against his blogger. They both fell into a peaceful sleep not long after, it took Sherlock longer due to the fact he needed to know who came up with the term spooning.


(of two people) lie close together sideways and front to back with bent knees, so as to fit together like spoons.

Fun fact it took me six months to realize what this was. A lot of fanfics basically said something along the lines of "they fell asleep spooning". And I would sit there and go, what? Spooning? The hecks that? Then some fic explained it and I was like, Yes adorable I thought it had something to do with actual spoons.

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