Sick Sherlock

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This was requested by a friend who wants to remain anonymous. She walked up to me in class and told me to write a sick fic. So here y'all go.


Sherlock woke up feeling dead. He wasn't dead, he knew that. The next thing he could be was sick. And he couldn't be sick. He was never sick. He hoped he wasn't hungover. John walked in an hour later to check on him because Sherlock never sleeps in. He was greeted by a paler than normal Sherlock with a stuffy nose and dull eyes. "You're sick," John said.

"Of course I'm not sick," Sherlock scoffed. He sounded congested.

"Ok well if you're not sick then I'm going to work. I'll be back around 5," John said as he set the cup of tea he had brought down on the bedside table. He frowned at Sherlock before walking out and closing the door.

He grabbed his coat and walked down the stairs. He knocked on Mrs Hudson's door before he left. "Oh hello, John dear. Is there something you need?" she said when she opened the door.

"Can you watch Sherlock, I think he's sick?" he chuckled a bit scratching the back of his head.

"Of course dear. You should know he has seasonal allergies. This happens once or twice a spring. He refuses to take care of himself though. Hopefully, with you around, that'll change. I'll check on him later." She smiled at him before closing the door again.

John groaned. Sherlock may have been a genius but he didn't care about himself. John knew first hand that he could care about other people. He just didn't give two shits about his health. John was sure without himself around, Sherlock would have died a long time ago.

After work, John opened the door to 221b and was greeted by a sobbing Mrs Hudson. John walked over to her trying to comfort her. "He refused to take any medicine. He started screaming at me. John, he's so sick."

"It'll be ok Mrs Hudson I'll take care of him I promise. He'll get better whether he likes to or not," John growled the last bit.

Mrs Hudson stopped crying and grinned at him. "Thank you, dear. I'll be in my room listening to music," she said as she turned on her heel and went into her flat.

John blinked a couple of times before turning and walking to his flat. He opened the door expecting to find Sherlock on the couch. He wasn't there though. Which was worrying? John walked to Sherlock's room and paused at the door. He knocked. Heaven forbid he walk in on something he would regret. He had a long day and his self-control was pretty low. When he got no reply he swallowed before opening the door. Sherlock was hanging off his bed. His legs were on the bed but his head halfway to the floor. "Sherlock?" He revived a grunt in reply. "Ok get up." He said. John helped his friend up onto the bed. He was pale and his cheeks were flushed. His eyes were closed. John managed to get Sherlock on the bed. No help from Sherlock. "Stay here I'll get some medicine," John sighed as he left the room.

Five minutes later he came back in the room to see that Sherlock was awake and glaring at him. "I'm not sick John." John rolled his eyes at this.

"You have a cold and your going to be nice. I'm a doctor and it is my job to take care of you. And I am not Mrs Hudson. I won't be that easy to get rid of."

Sherlock put on his puppy face. "But John." He whined.

"But Sherlock." John mimicked.

Sherlock glared again before taking the medicine in John's hand and gulping it down. He grimaced at the taste. "See it wasn't that hard now was it," John said as he ruffled Sherlock's curls. Johns's hand didn't move and Sherlock looked at him funny. "Jesus this is soft." John gasped.

Sherlock's face went redder. "I had to use women's products for a case and I just never switched back."

"What case was that." John removed his hand from Sherlock's hair and sat next to him on the bed. He figured out a good way to get Sherlock to do something was to get him talking about a case. He had brought soup with him and knew that Sherlock hadn't eaten anything for a few days. 

"Well, the husband had murdered his wife using her hair products. The yard wouldn't believe me so I did and experiment."

While Sherlock rambled on about cases John took this time to get some food into him. This went on for about thirty minutes until Sherlock's head dropped. John moves him so that he was laying in bed. John leaned down and kissed his forehead before grabbing the bowl and walking out of the room. When he was in the doorway the sound of Sherlock's voice stopped him. "When I get better I want the real thing."

John blushed before picking up the pace.

A week later John thought Sherlock had forgotten about it. Until John got home. Sherlock hadn't had sights of a cold for two days. John was very happy. Sick Sherlock was even more annoying than him when he wasn't sick. It was a particularly long day and he wanted nothing more than a long nap. Well, that and a kiss from the one he loved. A kiss he had been promised nearly a week ago. John walked into the flat before he was pressed against the wall and kissed roughly. When he was finally released Sherlock stood looking at him. "S-sorry I don't know wh-"

John grabbed Sherlock's shirt and pulled him in for another kiss. "Took you long enough love."

They kissed again, both happier then they had been for a while.

Thank my 19 views for reading. Please comment if you like and please request. Until the next one.

~ Alice White

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