Soulmate AU #1

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Ok, so I thought this up. I really like soulmate AUs so if you have a favourite one comment and I'll see if I can write it.
The world was pretty messed up. You could live forever. That was if you could kill the person who would bring you pure joy. Most people when they met their soulmate lived with them. Soulmates didn't have to like each other. The other half was a myth. Some soulmates hurt each other. Some can love each other. Some never find their soulmate and don't die. Those people pray to find there soulmate. And then, of course, there were the people like the Holmes brothers. The people who killed their soulmate every time they met. These people would live forever. That was until they gave up. But most didn't. Especially not the holmes brothers.

Sherlocks POV
I remember the day we made the bet. It was my birthday. 248 years ago. I was turning 20. Most people met their soulmate then. I was most people. The poor bastard didn't know about my deal with Mycroft though.

"Happy birthday brother dear." I turned towards the voice. Mycroft stood in the doorway of my room.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Well, it's your twentieth birthday. Mother and father are going to make you go out in town to find your soulmate. I want to place a bet." He said,

I was interested now. "What kind of bet?"

"A bet with soulmates. Who can live the longest without giving in." He said and smiled it was a rather nasty smile.

I smiled back. Mine was more of a manic grin though. "You're on."

That was the sentence that sealed the fate of many. The first was Jack. He was the town drunk. He bumped into me and I felt the spark. He felt it too and pushed me into an ally. I stabbed him. He wasn't missed. It went on from there. The world always found a new soulmate. There was a myth that if you killed your soulmate they would always come back. I think that's true. They are always the same. Military history, shorter than me with blond hair and blue eyes. They always turned out differently though. James Black was the most recent. He was married to a girl named Susie. He didn't believe in soulmates. Until he found me. I pushed him off a bridge. I don't regret it and I'm not planning on stopping.

Mycroft's POV
I remember the day I made the deal. I regret it now. I truly do. I've turned my brother into a monster because I was selfish. My first soulmate was Graham, he was a good man. Or everyone thought. He tried to kill me after he found out I was his soulmate. He was homophobic and didn't believe it. I bashed his skull in. I was so distraught after that. I couldn't bear to deal with the heartbreak again. I made the deal with Sherlock so I could watch over him. I ruined any chance of love for both of us. He won't give up until I do. Even then he probably won't. And I have to protect him. I wish I could take it back. It's the same person every time. Greyish hair with brown eyes. Always a kind smile. The same smile that haunts my nightmares and wildest dreams.

Greg's POV
It didn't work out with my wife. I knew it couldn't we weren't soulmates. She assumed we were because of my hair. It's just natural. Some people still grow older in looks. She must not have worried about her looks. I think she thought we were soulmates. Or I think she did. I don't know. She did find him though. The gym teacher. I can't blame her for leaving. I just wish the kids didn't have to go through this. I wasn't going to find my soulmate. I don't actually know this but it's pretty obvious. I was on my way to a coffee shop feeling pretty dejected when a black car pulled up beside me. "Greg Lestrand please get in." A women's voice said.

"What?" I asked. I was very suspicious. As one should be when a black car pulls up and someone tells you to get in.

"Please get in we won't hurt you." She said.

 Well, my day can't get worse. I slid into the seat and the door shut itself. I looked over to see pretty women sitting next to me on her phone. I smiled and looked out the window. Trying to see where I was. Eventually, we arrived at an abandoned warehouse. "This is your stop." The girl said. I nodded and reached for the door only to have it open itself. I stepped out and walked into the warehouse with a hand on my belt ready to grab my gun. "You don't need to shoot me Detective Inspector. I just want to talk about my brother." A tall man stood in front of a chair.

"Brother?" I said. I didn't want to be here so might as well get right down to business.

"Sherlock Holmes. He works with you. Well helps you." He smiles and twirled his umbrella.

"What about him?" I asked.

"I would pay you a considerable amount of money to watch him for me. Report back if you may?" He said. His smile was obviously fake.

"Hhmmm how bout no," I replied before turning around and walking towards the door.

I reached the door and turned back to look at him. "I'm not spying on anyone. If you want to know how he's doing you'd have to offer me dinner, Mr Holmes. Ta ta." I said waving and opening the door. I walked out of the warehouse leaving a very flustered Mycroft Holmes.

Mycroft's POV
I took the DI out to dinner. He told me about Sherlock and how much a pain in the ass he was. He told me Sherlock was trying to get a flatmate, which was worrying. We talked all through our meal. I was happy. For once I really was. He told me about how Sherlock got his head stuck in a pipe looking for evidence. I had paid for the meal already but neither of us wanted to leave the other. His hand brushed mine under the table and I felt that familiar spark. He gasped and looked at me. I felt my heartbreak. "W-we should take this outside," I said. He nodded and we left the restaurant. Once outside I gave up. I grabbed his waist and kissed him. And it was the best decision I had ever made.

Sherlock's POV
It had been a month since my brother had given up. I was at the morgue testing pollen with blood. I had gotten bored of my dead body bruising experiment. I almost didn't realize when the door opened and to men stepped in. "Sherlock so nice to see you," Mike said.

I grunted. Mike went on about this Watson person. I deducted him and told him to meet me at 221b Baker Street.

I was surprised when he showed up even more surprised when he shot the cabby. I felt something around him. It was strange and different. I think it was love. Though I couldn't be. I couldn't lose.

Johns POV
I was in love. After I shot the cabbie I fell even harder. God, he was adorable. My hand brushed against his and I felt a spark. He froze before turning around and pushing me into an ally. He grabbed my gun from my belt and pressed it against my temple. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"S-Sherlock?" I choked out.

"You have to die you just have to." He whispered.

"Sherlock please."

"I can't lose." He was crying now.

His face was so close to mine. I moved to kiss him. I succeeded and pulled away. He took a breath and dropped the gun. "I give up." He said. I grabbed him and kissed him again. Finally, the Holmes brothers were happy. And they would stay that way for a long time.
Thank you and remember to request.

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