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Hi, this is my first Johnlock fanfic. If y'all like it you can request more. I will not do smut. If you want angst you can request it. This was a request from Wolf_Lady_023.

John was in love. Yes, he dated women, but only to forget him. It was so foolish, he didn't even know the guy's name. The man wasn't even human. If his aura didn't give it away then it was the wings and halo.

He remembered when they met. He was running to help his buddy. Jack always was on the front lines. He was reckless. It didn't help he was lucky. It made him cocky.

This time he got what was coming for him. John was trying to get to him when he was shot. He was going to die if he didn't get medical attention. But out there on the front lines that weren't very likely. That's when he saw him. He was a bit blurry but John could make out the golden halo and white wings.

At the time John couldn't speak. But in his fantasies, he could. He could ask the man his name. He wished he could've anyways. The angel just smiled at him and winked. He picked John up and carried him across the battlefield. He thought he had died at the time. He blacked out for a bit but when he woke up he was in a hospital bed with doctors and nurses around him. He saw the angel at the foot of the bed smile sadly before golden light engulfed him and he disappeared.

Even if they hadn't even spoken this man had unknowingly stolen his heart.

Sherlock was in love as well. Probably had fallen farther than John. He was in love with the man who cares for everyone around him. Someone who tried running through gunfire to get to his friend. The man who cared for him even though he was probably going to get him killed later. Sherlock loved John. That's mostly why he had saved John.

John would never know and never love him back. Sherlock could read him. He was in love. And it wasn't with him. He could tell from the day he met John at the morgue. It wasn't the first time he had met him.

The first time they met Sherlock saved his life. He got himself kicked out of heaven and stripped of his halo for this though. He kind of wished he was stripped of his wings as well. They were hard to hide on earth. He broke the rule.

John Watson was supposed to die that day. Lucky for him Sherlock has taken an interest in him. He had escorted John's mother to heaven. Johns father finely went too far.

John has come home to his mother bleeding on the floor. There wasn't anything he could do. When Sherlock came he was holding her. Just gently speaking to her. He wasn't crying. He wasn't begging for anyone to save her. When Sherlock took her hand her pulse stopped. John felt it and just sighed. Sherlock stared a bit watching as a tear finally rolled down John's cheek.

The women looked up at Sherlock before trying to reach back out to her son. Sherlock has to pull her back. She glared at him. "He's my son!" She cried.

"I'm sorry you can't do anything," Sherlock had replied.

"But you can can't you. Please I've heard the stories if I ask you to watch over him you'll protect him," she asked.

Sherlock was shocked at this. He only took unconscious people. This was the first time that someone had asked him this. Other angels had told him about requests like this. They watched the person for a couple of days and would often forget the person later. Compulsively, he said yes. Though unlike other angels Sherlock kept his promise. He smiled fondly at the memory. He didn't regret it. He loved John. Even if John didn't love him.

After a long case involving a cult and a wealthy business owner, Sherlock and John collapsed on there respective chairs. Sherlock winced as he landed. He landed on his wing. John of course noticed. "You ok Sherl?" He asked.

Standing up Sherlock looked over to John. "I'm fine don't worry. I'm going to bed. Goodnight," Sherlock said.

John watched as his friend walked over to his room and closed the door. At least he tried to. It was still open a crack. Inside the room, Sherlock threw his coat to the floor and tried to work his shirt off. He collapsed on the bed, spreading his wings. He heard them crackle and pop. He let out a sigh. It always felt nice to free them. He jolted when the door opened. "Sorry for waking you Sherl bu-" John said before stopping and gasping.

Sherlock snapped up his wings closing fast. "John it's not," Sherlock tried to reassure John but John just took there dumbstruck.

When he finally snapped out of his trance John reached for Sherlock's hand. With Sherlock's hand in his, he hauled Sherlock to his feet. "John, what are you?" He tried.

"Show me them," John growled.

"John I r-really don't know w-what you're talking about."

John glared at him. "I think you know what I'm talking about the big black wings you have on your back. Now show me."

Sherlock reluctantly opened his wings. John gasped and Sherlock looked away. He was about to say something when he felt a hand on his feathers. Sherlock looked at John who was stroking his left-wing. "J-John?"

"These are amazing." He breathes out.

"John this just makes me even more of a freak."

"You're not a freak Sherlock. You're just different. Normal people are boring anyway."

Sherlock let out a small chuckle. "Guess you wondering what I am though."

"Course I am. The only other thing I've seen with wings like this was an angel and he had white wings."

Sherlock looked shocked. "You could see me!"

Now it was johns turn to look shocked. "That was you?" He breathed.

"Your mother asked me to watch you I couldn't let you die. And-"

He was cut off by the feeling of John's lips on his own. He didn't have time to kiss back before John had pulled away. "Sorry, Sherlock I'll go n-"

He didn't finish the rest because Sherlock had grabbed John's sweater and locked their lips again. When they pulled away both man's eyes were full of love. "I've wanted to do that for so long. Ever since you saved me in Afghanistan I've loved you."

"Me? Really why."

"Because it's hard not to fall in love with the hot angel that has a dazzling smile and saves you from certain death."

Sherlock had turned beat red. "I uh-"

He was silenced with another kiss.  Sherlock pushed John away.  "I've loved you since you smiled back at me in the hospital bed."

John smiled then frowned. "What happens to the halo and white wings?"

"You were supposed to die. I wasn't supposed to save you. I was stripped of the halo and my wings turned black. I don't regret it though. If I hadn't saved you no one would ever have loved me."

"I'm glad you did."

They smiled at each other before John pulled Sherlock down for a kiss. This one was more passionate than the rest.

The next day at the yard Greg asked what was with Sherlock's limp and why he couldn't sit down.

Sorry I had to add that last bit. This was probably really bad. Please request don't be shy. I like writing AUs so if you have a favourite that is cute I'll write it. 😇

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