Epilogue: What If?

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The first half of the epilogue will be the same as the old one, but this is their happy ending. Get your tissues ready, this will be emotional. (But like, in a good way.)

ps, this story obviously tied in with the miniminter's sister series, so count this as a stand alone oneshot if you'd like, or, take it as canon, idk lol

MAY 27TH, 2020

"That's all for today! Stay safe, have a good day and please wear a mask!" I waved, turning off my camera after recording a video in my office.

We were now over two months into lockdown and it was horrible. I hated being cooped up inside, and all I wanted to do was go outside and see my friends again. Freya in particular.

JJ and Simon had been bickering like crazy...I was beginning to understand how they had hated each other back in school before they became friends.

I was staying out of their way, not wanting to get in the middle of their little bitch fight. It would end when they would be able to go outside again, I was sure of it.

Simon and I had been doing okay. Well, before lockdown anyway. A lot had happened, with me, him, our friends, but we had taken it day by day and we were stronger than ever.

Lockdown was tough on all couples, us included, but we were doing our best. Being with your partner for all day every day was definitely a challenge, and I often found myself shutting myself in my office to just have a couple of hours to myself. Simon did the same too.

I decided against editing the video now. I was already two ahead of schedule, I wasn't in a rush to finish this one. I'd barely spent any time with Simon the last week or so, maybe we could do something today. Spent some quality time together, it was much needed for us both.

I checked in our room first, he wasn't in there which probably meant he was in his office. If the slide door was open it meant it was fine for me to go in, but if it was closed it meant he was recording.

I was disappointed when I saw the door was closed, but I noticed JJ sat by the table, watching something or other on his phone.

"Hey JJ," I greet, coming to sit opposite him.

"Oh, hey Talia! You wanting Simon?"

"Yeah, but he's recording so it doesn't matter. I can wait," I say politely, taking out my own phone.

"Oh, I was meant to tell you. He's not actually recording, he just wanted his door shut. You're fine to go in," he tells me, sparking intrigue.

"Oh really? Well, uh, thanks for letting me know. I'll see you around?" I bid farewell, leaving the table and unlatching the door, sliding it across so I can go into his office.

But as I go into his office it's empty, and instead our song is playing from a speaker.

"What the..." I whisper, looking around at the setup because the lights are shaded red, and there are paper hearts everywhere. I have absolutely no idea what is going on.

"Simon? You're not in here, right?" I call out.

Silence. I feel embarrassed that I even asked.

"Okay, stupid idea, I understand. But why did JJ tell me you weren't recording if- this better not be a fucking prank, Simon. I'll kill you," I warn, whipping my head around to try and see if there is a hidden camera somewhere.

But it's to no avail. There are definitely no secret cameras in here. I'm so confused! I have absolutely no idea what this is, or what I'm doing here. I have no idea what he's trying to achieve.

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