Chapter 38

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i think ive decided that instead of selfish having a sequel, im going to make it a longer book than miniminter's sister AND im going to give you guys a long epilogue!! it is far from finishing rn, i promise but i just wanted to let you all know!!! im currently planning out a jj fan fic, so if u guys have any preferences on what you'd like it to include, drop a comment / message!


"Did they say they were going to be able to make it?" I asked Simon, the night before. 

He shook his head sadly. "No, Sophie has to stay up in Manchester and Harry doesn't want to come down without her," he explained, staring at the wall in front of him. 

He had been on edge the last three days, and now that it was the night before JJ's boxing fight, his nerves were at the highest they'd ever been. I was having a hard time trying to calm him down. 

"I'm sure they'll watch the livestream, I know it's not the same as being there in person but at least they're trying, alright?" I told him, rubbing a soothing pattern on his arm, unsure of what else I could even do. 

"Yeah, I guess. I'm going to go take a walk round the garden or something. I'll be back in a bit," he half-heartedly smiled, kissing me on my forehead and jumping out of bed. 

We were all worried about JJ. Not because we thought he would lose, but because Joe Weller was a lot stronger than him, and also a lot more experienced in the boxing realm. I had every faith that JJ could surprise us all, but I had a feeling he was going to get battered in the process. 

Speak of the devil, Simon's door was knocked on. 

"Come in?" I called out, the door opening to reveal JJ. "Are you looking for Simon? He actually just went outside into the garden," I start to explain, but he shakes his head. 

"Is it alright if I come sit down a minute? It's actually you I wanted to talk to," he says, and I can sense his nerves from here. This is the JJ you don't see on the internet. 

"Of course you can. What's wrong?" I ask, switching the main light on, and turning the bedside lamp off. 

"Do you think I can do it? Be honest, that's why I came to you. You always tell me things straight to the point."

"I think that Joe Weller is a very experienced boxer. But I also think that with the amount of training and effort you've put into this fight, you can come out on top. And I have every faith that you will," I tell him truthfully. Like he said, there's no point lying to him because then he'll get overly cocky and throw the fight. He needs someone to be brutally honest with him. 

"Thank you. I'm trying to stay away from the boys, they're only making my nerves worse," he laughed, shaking his head. I could see him tapping his leg on the ground, reminding me that I did that when I'm anxious. 

"What time have you got to be up tomorrow? It's getting kinda late, you should maybe think about getting some sleep soon. 

"I have to be up at seven I think, some last minute training and then I've got to go do media interviews and rehearsal walks and everything, it's going to be a long day, but worth it when I wipe the smile off of his face," he said, and I didn't have it in me to tell him to stop being cocky. He deserved the boost this one time. 

"I suggest you go to sleep then. Simon and I will probably be at the arena at two, for the last minute press stuff he has to do. I don't know. I'm just going to be hanging around with Freya," I admit. 

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