Chapter 42

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We got back to the house around half past ten that night, Simon's family had gone back to a hotel. 

"I think that went well," Simon said to me as we climbed into bed that night. "Although, I do want to apologise on behalf of my Mum. She asked some very - straightforward questions."

"Simon, I've told you. It was fine, she was really nice and I really like her. Her questions came as a shock, but nothing more. Don't stress too much about it, alright?" I laughed, giving him a little kiss on the cheek. 

"Alright, I won't. I'm glad you met them, feels like a massive weight off my shoulder," he admitted. 

"Can I ask you one question about tonight?" I ask, the memory of him interrupting me earlier surfacing. 

"Of course you can. What's up?" He asked, turning to face me in the bed. 

"When I was explaining how I met you, you interrupted me and was just acting very weird about it. Did I say something wrong?"

"Oh, right. Yeah, about that. Sophie and my parents, they don't exactly have a good relationship, at all. They never really got on growing up, and she spent a lot of time living at her friends houses, so she wouldn't be in the same house as them. It's why she was so eager to go to university when she could, and when she was on break she came to live with me. They haven't spoken since she turned seventeen," he explained, and it really came as a shock to me. 

"They haven't spoken in four years?" I asked, just feeling sorry for them both. I couldn't imagine not speaking to my parents for that long. I think it would kill me off. 

"Yeah. She still speaks to Nick, though. And me. I'm not too sure about Johnny, he kind of just followed Mum and Dad and didn't speak to her much. They don't have anything against us speaking to her, they just don't talk about her. I used to try to talk to them both so they could fix things, but it never ended well so I sort of just gave up. Which is why I interrupted so you wouldn't mention her, it just would've made things awkward and it didn't need that."

"Oh, Simon I'm sorry. I wouldn't have thought to mention her if I knew. Thanks for telling me," I say softly, stroking his hair.

"You're all good, I promise. It was probably about time I told you, anyway," he sighed, craning his neck so he was looking at me. "I just want you to know that despite this, my parents are really good people. I don't really tell anyone that, because they just assume my parents are horrible people and outcasted Sophie. It's not like that. All of them just never got on, I can't explain it, I don't know how to -"

"Simon, don't worry about it. I understand, I promise. I still think you parents are lovely people, and I still love Sophie with everything in me. This doesn't change anything, okay?"

He nodded his head and went to say something, but his phone started ringing. 

"It's El?" He said curiously, looking at me confused. I shrugged my shoulder, I had no idea what was going on. 

He accepted, and put her on speaker. 

"You're speaker, El. Me and Talia, is that okay?" 

"That's fine! Did any of you know JJ has planned to fight Logan Paul in August? Because I feel like I'm the last bloody person to find out!" She says, and I can hear the frustration in her voice. 

"He's planning on doing what now? How the hell did you find that out?" Simon asks in shock. I shrink back a little, feeling guilty that he told me, and no one else. 

"His Instagram! He's bloody posted promotion about it and not told anyone he was doing it! I'm trying to figure out this absolute mess, I'm supposed to be out on a date with Vik right now and I got a call from Josh asking what the hell was going on! What am I supposed to say? I'm supposed to manage you guys, but you're all proving it to be very difficult when I don't get told about anything!"

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