Chapter 2

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"How does this outfit look?" I ask Angele, on the evening on January 28th, 2017 - aka, Sophie's birthday.

"You look great. But I thought Sophie told you not to bring anything for the party," she motioned towards the present I had wrapped and ready to take with me.

"I cant just go to her party without getting her anything! Plus I think she meant that about food and drinks, not presents...I don't know! You're stressing me out now!" I whined, throwing a random beauty blender at her head. "And you can't even say that hurt because it's literally sponge," I warned her, knowing exactly what she was like.

She rolled her eyes but nonetheless smiled at me, and told me to have a good time.

"Oh yeah - I might not be back tonight, depending on if there's alcohol, because I won't be able to drive." I warned her, and she told me she was perfectly capable of looking after herself. I knew she was, but I would always worry about her anyway.

"Bye, Angele, love you!" I called out, before taking the wrapped present and walked out to my car. Tonight was going to be fun, and Sophie was introducing me to some of her other friends. I was excited.


It seemed like I had arrived a little early, for the parking spaces out the front of the house were still pretty empty when I pulled up. I was greeted by Sophie this time, who hugged me and beckoned me in.

"Happy birthday!" I told her, and gave her the present I had wrapped. "I know you said to not bring anything, but honestly I thought you meant food and not presents but then my sister said you might have meant presents so then I was unsure but I didn't want to be -"

She cut me off by gently taking the package from my hands. "Thank you for the present, Talia. I really appreciate it, and I'm sure I'll love it. Don't overthink it too much!"

Easier said than done.

"Alright, well, drinks and everything is in the kitchen, so go help yourself! I'm just going to go, erm, talk to Harry, I'll be back! You go in the kitchen!" She said quickly, side eyeing me, making sure I was going to the kitchen. I walked cautiously into the kitchen, unsure of her previous behaviour.

I nearly laughed out loud when I saw Simon sitting down at the island, by himself. She had done this on purpose, hadn't she?

"Hey," I spoke simply, smiling at him as he looked up at the sound of my voice.

"If it isn't mysterious girl! Long time no see," he joked, beckoning me to sit down next to him.

"My name is Talia, and I saw you practically last week," I scoffed, and he seemed to marvel in me getting wound up. "You did that on purpose, huh? I'm an idiot," I laughed, and he laughed along with me. We shared the same sense of humour, and that was something.

"I prefer the nickname mysterious girl. I'm going to keep calling you that, if you don't mind."

"I suppose it'll have to do, right?" I murmured, a slight smirk visible on my face as I reached for a plastic cup.

"What do you want? I know where all the drinks are, prepared it myself," he offered, and I told him my preferred drink.

"Nice choice. I drink it sometimes."

"Sometimes? What's your go to?"

"Depends on the day and the mood."

"That's the same with me! Sometimes I'm in a gin mood, and then sometimes I'm in a cider mood. It completely changes, it's crazy!"

For the next fifteen or so minutes, myself and Simon bonded over alcohol, of all things. Clearly, we didn't realise how long we were talking for, because Harry sought us out telling us that Sophie was asking for us in the living room.

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