Chapter 50

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Stick around until the end because we have a very important and special announcement!!!!!!!! Also, here's to 50 chapters! *clinks glass*

"Simon, remember the breathing exercises. You will be fine," I remind him, the two of us walking into the arena for the night. However, it was more me that needed the breathing exercises right now because we were headed towards the red carpet, and the red carpet meant photographers and questions. 

Questions that would be broadcast on a livestream. A livestream that millions of people would be watching. So yeah, it was safe to say I was nervous too. 

"Hey! You too. I remember you telling me how much you hated being interviewed," he reminded me, linking arms as we entered the building. 

He knew me so well. 

"Breathing exercises have been remembered," I said under my breath, breathing out slowly. 

"Have I told you how insanely beautiful you look tonight?" he says to me, as we walk past several familiar faces in formal suits and dresses. 

"Yes, many times. And every single time has been more romantic than the last, so well done you. I'll remember that," I laugh, reaching over and kissing him gently on the lips. 

I seemed to have loosened up a little momentarily, but stiffen up again when I realise the red carpet is right in front of us. Cal and Gee are currently on it, in front of the backdrop and being photographed. 

"I feel sick. Is there any way I can skip this part," I ask Simon, not wanting to go over there at all. 

"Look, Tee. I'm not gonna force you to do it if you don't want to, I completely understand why you're terrified, I am too! But I would love it if you were there with me. You look amazing, and you're very well spoken - and that includes high pressure occasions too. But if you're gonna do it, it looks like we need to go now," he said, looking between me and the red carpet. 

"Okay, okay fine. I'll do it," I agreed, swallowing any doubts I previously had about this whole thing. 

We walked over to the carpet, waiting for Cal and Gee to be done before taking their places. 

The flash on my face was like nothing I had ever experienced before - it was truly blinding, but also exhilarating. 

"Simon, Talia! I'm Kurtis, from Sky Sport - care to answer a few questions?"

"Of course, man! Ask away!" Simon replied, taking the lead - for which I was very grateful. 

"Great! So firstly, the question of the hour - what are your predictions for the fight?"

"My prediction is maybe third round knockout...for JJ," Simon said, then looking over at me. 

I still had no idea what happened in boxing, and if I was being honest I also didn't exactly know how someone won a boxing match. "I agree with Simon - uh, third round knockout," I said hastily, praying I played it off well. 

"Nice! Now, Simon...tell me about how JJ's been in the weeks leading up to the fight."

"In all honesty I haven't really seen him! And I mean that in the best way possible - he's been training like crazy, out running almost every day and then a workout session with his team in the gym - and he actually came over to America a week and a half ago to do some high intensity training I think, so today will be the first time seeing him in person for a while, so that'll be nice!"

"That's great to hear! Now, Talia, if you don't mind me asking, we discovered in JJ's recent interview that you were the first person he told about the fight - how did you feel when he told you?"

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