Chapter 32

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Last night I had taken the step to watch Simon's new YouTube video. It was just a vlog style of video...and although I would never admit it to him, especially not right now, it was my favourite type of video he made.

I managed to get through the whole video without feeling anywhere close to crying, and that was an accomplishment. We still weren't on proper talking terms, but I was feeling less anger towards him as the days went past. It was approaching the end of October, and that meant two things.

One, it was my birthday in the next week, and two, it was Halloween season, my favourite season of the year. I loved dressing up, I loved doing special effects. I loved the whole aspect of Halloween.

What was even better about it this year was that the guys were hosting a massive party, which meant I could dress up whilst having a good time.

It was the day before the party, but instead of rushing around, trying to do it for ourselves, the guys had hired some professional party planners to do it for them. It seemed the fake drama really had helped their careers, they were doing a lot better, now.

They had invited Sophie, but with her contract and everything she couldn't make it down and back up again in time between her studio days. I would still, hopefully be seeing her at Christmas, though.

With the planners, it meant that we were able to have a relatively normal day today, but it also meant it was quite boring. I had already filmed enough videos to last me for the next month, and I didn't stream until the evening, meaning I had the morning to lounge around and nothing.

At the very least I needed something to eat, hopefully Sarah would be here because I really craved those homemade croissants this morning.

When I came out of my room my view was instantly crowded by lots, and I meant lots, of Halloween decorations. There were cobwebs around the banisters, little spiders stuck to the name it, it was there.

This would definitely look creepy tonight.

I went down the stairs, admiring all the decorations and passing two people I didn't know, currently hanging up some more decorations.

I reached the lobby area, and this was where the decorations had really taken off. There was a DJ booth set up, hanging bats from the ceiling, yet more cobwebs and spiders, some (currently) deflated orange and black balloons and several pumpkins. These people did not come to play.

"Looks pretty impressive, don't you think?" A voice asked me, causing me to startle and whip my head around.

"Huh?" I asked, dazed and confused, not trying to be rude.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you...or by the looks of it, annoy you...I was just going," He apologised, making a start to leave.

"Wait - Simon, you didn't annoy does look great," I stuttered, but turning around and walking to the kitchen before he saw me turn bright red.

Our first proper interaction, without anything feeling too forced, and I had gone and embarrassed myself. God knows why, because I shouldn't be the one getting embarrassed in front of him.

However, my luck was turned around, because I entered the kitchen seeing a flash of blonde hair around the corner. "If it isn't my favourite chef in the whole world!" I say excitedly, Sarah turning round to see me.

"Talia! My goodness, I haven't seen you in ages! The usual? I've actually just gone and put some in the oven...we can have a catch up!"

I sit on the stool, Sarah coming over and standing opposite me.

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