Chapter 16

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Sophie, Harry, Eloise and Vik had all left for Glasgow today. Well, Eloise and Vik had gone in secret, but no doubt Sophie would find out later today or tomorrow. Simon had spent the day out with her yesterday, and he had come back almost a different person.

He had been stressed out about the channel all week, but it was as if something had clicked yesterday, he was his old self again. He had been energetic and positive ever since.

He was definitely a lot more energetic than I was, because it was nine in the evening and I was exhausted, but Simon was practically pacing the room, brainstorming ideas about the channel to himself.

" might be full of energy, but I am not. Please stop pacing or go and do it in your room...or at least let me have a quick nap," I begged, burying my face in a pillow.

"Sorry, Tee! I'll be quieter," he apologised, but even then he still had a massive smirk on his face. What the hell had happened yesterday for him to be so - smiley?

Sophie have you broken your brother

Haha what?

He will not stop smiling and I have NEVER seen someone so energetic, wtf did you do yesterday?



A Minter never reveals their secrets

You are almost as annoying as he is

Ahhhh but you love me

I do not but have a great tour I will be keeping up to date x

Stalker tendencies xxxx

I grinned at my phone, shutting it. Maybe a smiley Simon wasn't so bad - he could keep me on my toes, that was a good thing.

"Hey Simon?"

"Yes, hello?" He responded quickly.

"How would you fancy making me a coffee?" I asked sweetly, fluttering my eyelashes for extra effect. However, it seemed like even that wasn't necessary because he was out of the door as soon as I asked. Maybe he was a good kind of broken. It couldn't hurt.

Whilst he was gone, my phone started buzzing. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was Angele calling, I hadn't talked to her for a while.

"Angele! Hey! How are you doing?" I asked, enjoying the sound of her voice. Although it was steadily getting easier without her here, I still missed her like crazy, and I wish I could see her soon. I'd have to travel up soon, and maybe take Simon with me. That would be nice.

"I'm doing good, just thought I'd check in. How are things with you?"

Should I tell her about Owen? She was the one person in the world that I had told about Owen, and if anyone hated him more than I did, it was her.

"Alright. I - um, Owen called a while ago," I spoke slowly, nervous as to how she would react. There was silence, but I didn't want to be the one to break it.

"What did that bastard want?" She asked, and I could tell from her tone that it was fueled by anger and disgust.

"It was just a stupid little 'break up with your boyfriend' threat, nothing serious. He's not serious," I told her, and it was like I was trying to reassure myself too.

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