Chapter 15

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thanks for 3k ! the next update will be on my 18th bday omf :))

I was woken up by the sound of Simon asking where the hell he was.

"'s too quiet," I moaned, burying my face into a nearby pillow.

"Why is my back so sore? And why did I crash on your bed?" He yawned, slowly getting up and wincing in pain.

"You were tired after your day out yesterday, and just kind of flopped onto my bed. I didn't want to wake you up so I just left you there," I explained also yawning.

"Oh, right. Sorry for waking you up, Tee" He apologised, kissing my arm that was resting my his side.

"It's alright...I should probably be getting up anyway. I need to record today, although I have absolutely no idea what. Might just do a day in the life, it's something, right?"

"Sounds like a good idea, you want me to leave whilst you intro?"

"Have you forgotten that everyone knows we're together or something?" I giggled, watching as he realised.

"Right that case I'm going to have another nap, and sleep properly this time."

"Good idea," I teased grabbing my camera that I always left in the top drawer of my bedside table. I had one of Simon's shirts on, so I looked alright to film.

"Hi guys! Sorry for not uploading for the longest time but I am back! I thought I'd do a day in the life video today, so I've literally just woken up, Simon is still asleep," I panned the camera to show Simon's hair, before turning it back to me. "I'm going to make some breakfast, and then I'm probably going to go out to central London, maybe I'll ask someone to go with me, I'm not sure yet! See you in a bit!"

Shutting the camera off, I pressed one final kiss to Simon's forehead before clambering out of bed, making my day down to the kitchen. Sarah was already there, and I could smell some sort of pastry cooking in the oven.

"Homemade pain au chocolats, I'm guessing you want one?" She asked, a twinkle in her eye.

"You don't even need to ask, Sarah," I responded, excited to eat. I flicked the camera back on, telling it about the breakfast I was looking forward to having.

It was plated up in front of me, and my mouth was near watering as the smell wafted up towards my nose. "Simon is missing out, being asleep," I shared a smile with Sarah, before tucking in to my plate.

Of course, I was finished in no time. "You've got to give me the recipe for those!" I thanked her, passing her my plate as I left the kitchen. Maybe I'd see if Freya was available to go out into London with me.

I checked the living room first, she wasn't there, meaning she was probably in Josh's room. I wasn't really close with Josh, so I didn't want to barge in there. Instead, I decided on texting her.

You awake???

Yes I am, what's up?

Fancy going out into central?? Bit of shopping and lunch maybe

Sounds good. I'll be ready in like twenty minutes, that ok?

Perfect!! See you in a bit

At least that was sorted. Now it was time to go back upstairs and try and get changed without waking Simon up. I chose some casual mom jeans with a baggy t-shirt, and a cute little belt. That would do. Obviously I was going to pair it with my Doc Martens, I wore them practically every single time I went out.

Time to record my outfit. Luckily, the bathroom had a full size mirror, so I could do it without waking Simon up. Once that was done, it was just about time to go and wait or Freya downstairs, so I crept out of my room, closing the door behind me, where Simon was still fast asleep.

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