Chapter 47

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Oops hi! Sorry I haven't been updating much, as you are all probably aware I started my new job which requires me to wake up at 2am every day for five days a week!!! I am soooooo tired!!!!!! Anyway, enjoy this chapter.

coming back to hopefully finish editing this cause i cant sleep lol

"You've got a visitor," My Mum said with a smile, opening the door to reveal a certain someone standing in the hallway.

"We'll leave you two alone," my Dad chimed in, the two of them leaving the room so it was just me and Simon.

We had been texting a lot the last two days, and not once had anything been said about the kidney. I was ninety percent sure he had donated it, but I didn't want to call him out on it.

God forbid we ended up arguing again, it was the last thing anyone needed. Initially I had pondered over straight up asking him, and calling him out for it. But maybe if we just - brushed it under the carpet it would be fine.

We would forget it, right?

"Hey you," he said, walking towards me. His posture seemed fine, he didn't seem to be in pain -

Stop observing him!

"Hey," I smiled, shuffling over and patting the small space on the bed besides me. I felt fine, only a little sore now but my parents were reluctant to let me out of bed, even if I was an adult.

"You want me to fit into that incredibly small space? You're having a laugh, right?" He challenged.

"Shut up and join me," I say sarcastically, watching him hop up and get comfy next to me, his arm sloping around my shoulder. "I missed you, it was boring with just my parents. Don't get me wrong, I love them with every bone in my body but my God, they're exhausting. Just texting you wasn't quite cutting it."

"I'm sorry, Tee. I had things going on, you know I'd have been here if I could, right?"

"I know you would," I say simply, looking up at him. It sounded like he was being genuine, and for the first time I felt guilty. Maybe I was overthinking this, and misplacing the blame on Simon. It was time to stop thinking about this.

"Anyway, enough about that. What has the doctor said? When can you come home?" He asks, turning around so he's lying on his side, facing me.

"He said I'm able to go home today. Still on bed rest for a little while longer, but I don't have to stay here," I tell him happily, excited to see Freya again. I had ended up telling her everything yesterday, but she had been busy with Josh so we were just waiting to see each other today.

"That's good...what are your parents doing? Are they staying in London for a while or going home?"

"I'm pretty sure they're heading home. At least, I'm going to ask them to. They've stayed here for me way too long, besides, I'm fine now. I can get back to life, and to work. I missed streaming!"

"All your fans missed you too. It's all my comment sections have been about. Asking if you're okay, all of that business..." he tells me.

"That's nice and considerate of them...I think I'm just going to say it was an extended social media break. I don't really want them knowing everything, some things are meant to stay private."

"I totally agree," he whispers, his hands still stroking my hair, a feeling I will never get bored of.

"Hey look...your parents are outside again," he tells me, and I notice them hovering outside. I wave my arm, indicating it's fine for them to come in.

"Hey you guys...sorry for interrupting. We just wanted to ask Talia what she wanted us to want us to stay down here for a little while longer?" My mum asked.

"Mum, Dad, you've both been amazing. Thank you for coming down when I needed you, it's been great catching up with you, even if I was asleep for half of it," I laugh, mustering as much energy as I currently have.

"Oh, Talia! We're just glad you're okay, of course we came down! And Angele would've come down too...but she's very busy with university and everything...she'll let you know anyway but she sent her best wishes," Dad let me know.

"Yeah, she text me yesterday I think...or maybe today, I can't remember. Anyway, the point being she text me," I say, fumbling my words up a little, earning some concerned looks from around the room.

"What? Why are you all staring at me like that? Have I got something on my face?"

", you're fine," my Dad answered, but him and my Mum shared a weird look, and I felt Simon's grip tighten a little.

Something was definitely up.

"So you guys are going, right?" I ask impatiently, after my parents just stay still for a little while longer. I don't want to be rude and force them to leave after everything, but I also desperately want to go home with Simon, and move on from this whole thing.

"Oh - yeah. Yeah, we're going. Simon, do you mind if we have a little moment to say goodbye?" My Dad asked, and Simon was out of there before you could say Talia Mar.

"I see you still intimidate him," I observe. "I hope you guys got on better this time round, though."

"We did. I have a whole lot of newfound respect for him. He's a good lad."

"Respect? Why? What did he do to suddenly earn your respect?" I asked, curious. The theory of him donating a kidney popped up in my mind, and was becoming increasingly more possible.

"Oh - er, you know! Just, being here for you, and advocating for you, is all. He's just a good lad, right?" He asked, turning towards my Mum, who also nodded her head quickly.

They seemed to be eager to drop the subject, and it was something I made a mental note of, just if I was ever going to bring this subject up again...

We ended up speaking for another ten or so minutes before last minute hugs and then they were out of the door, Simon entering soon after.

"I guess it's our time to leave the hospital now, huh?" He asked. He looked excited, but nowhere near as excited as I felt.

"I don't think you understand how ready I am to leave this small ugly room. You know, finally get back to a comfortable bed. One that has my favourite person in it."

"Aw, I'm your favourite person?"

"What the fuck? No, Freya is having a sleepover in my room tonight," I say sarcastically, honestly just enjoying winding him up.

He looked crestfallen so I burst out laughing to reassure him that I was just joking around.

"Of course you're my favourite person weirdo, always will be," I tease, sitting up a little to see him better.

"Good, cause you're mine too. I'm going to start packing up some of our stuff, hopefully we can get out of here in an hour. You've been given discharge papers right?"

"Yes. They're all signed and ready to be handed in when we leave. Sorted it out this morning," I reassure him, unlocking my phone whilst he rushed around the room.

I clicked on my messages with Freya, letting her know when I'd be back.

just packing up now, should be back in two hours maybe?? x

OMG!!!! Missed you so much!!!!! Can't wait xx

me too!!! sleepover tomorrow night???

I am very much down. See you soon T xx

see you soon :) xxx

I couldn't wait to get my life back on track, and this time round I wouldn't be taking anything for granted.

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