Chapter 43

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I have just published the first couple of chapters of my new book:

Sidemen Imagines!

Requests are open, so I would love it if y'all would go read it, and possibly leave requests for me to write about, all the information is in the first chapter! I am here to make your ideas become real!

"Talia, it's been three days and you're still in pain, not to mention you have a fever," Simon said worriedly, pacing around my room as I lay in bed. I've barely been able to get up, and when I have it's caused me so much pain I felt nauseous, so I've resorted to staying in bed for now. 

Simon's been on my back trying to convince me to go to the hospital to see if they can do anything, but I keep telling him there's probably nothing wrong with me. 

"Simon, stop shouting so much, you're making my headache worse," I complain, putting a pillow over my face to dull his voice down a little. He's making my head bang, and it's the last thing I need right now. 

"I'm not even shouting! This is why I think you need to see a doctor," he whispered. 

"Simon, I can barely get up without feeling sick, you really think I'm going to be able to travel to a hospital?" 

"Well then, I'll get a home visit! We can afford it, and I'd rather see you be okay than ill like this! I've never seen you this ill, ever, I hate seeing you like this and not being able to help. Please let me help," he begged, and I could practically picture the pout on his fine. 

"Fine," I caved, sighing. "But when they tell us there is nothing wrong with me, I told you so," I said reluctantly, hearing him leave the room immediately. 

He does have a point. I have never, ever felt this ill in my life, but I'm hoping it's nothing too serious. I hate hospitals, I hate needles, I hate everything about being ill. 

"You need to come into hospital for further tests, but I'm pretty sure you have a kidney infection," the doctor tells me, and I groan in frustration. 

"A kidney infection? How have I got a kidney infection? I don't smoke, I barely drink, my diet is fine and I exercise, it doesn't make any sense?" I tell him, trying to sit up straight but give up straight away when the pain becomes too unbearable. 

"It's rare for a kidney infection to show up in someone healthy, but it happens, and unfortunately I think that's what happened here. It's likely they'll confirm my diagnosis and then send you home with antibiotics. If they work, then fine. If they don't work, they'll hospitalise you and keep you in there and give you stronger antibiotics and observe you. if that doesn't happen - which is rare, and worst case scenario, then you'll have to have a kidney transplant. But I don't want you to worry about that, because that really is worst case scenario, and quite rare."

I felt like my whole world had just come to a stop. It was just supposed to be a backache from falling asleep weirdly, but no, I was instead being told I had a potential kidney infection? How the hell had that happened?

"Thank you so much for coming in," I hear Simon thank him. "Do you need me to show you out?"

"No, no. I'll be alright. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to contact. You have my number already."

I heard him leave, and then there was silence. 


"I don't want to talk about it," I said quietly, closing eyes. 

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