Chapter 49

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Cheeky little time skip because I can - ps i know the first logan and ksi fight was in the uk but for this story we are gonna pretend its in america!!! ok :)

"Fuck, how the hell is it August already? I swear JJ's last fight was only last week!" I say in disbelief to Freya, who is waiting in line for her drink at a coffee cart at the airport.

"I have no idea. The Weller fight was six months ago now, and now he's fighting doesn't make sense. It's gone by way too fast for my liking, I can't even remember what I did with my life," she complained.

"Same. All I remember is getting sick, JJ and Ethan's birthday party and now this."

Freya collected her coffee, and we started walking back to the area all of our friends were waiting in.

"I really hope he wins. Everyone is scared about this fight, way more scared than they were for Weller, and that makes me scared," she confesses to me.

Simon had been a wreck for the last two weeks. Well, he had been slightly better last week, but this week he had been really absentminded, lost in his thoughts a lot...I wasn't completely sure on how to help him, so instead I had just been keeping a close eye on him, ready to help the moment he needed it.

We had just been about to reach the security guards for the VIP section when we were approached by two teenage girls, around fourteen or fifteen years old if I had to guess.

"Oh my god! Are you Talia and Freya? On YouTube?" One of them asked.

We shared an amused look. "That's us," Freya said with a smirk.

"That's so cool! Our brother said it was you guys, so he dared us to come up and speak to you. Is it alright if we get a picture?"

"Of course it is!" I said cheerfully, Freya and I standing behind with our arms linked, gracing the picture with a wide smile.

"Thank you so much!" They said happily, before walking off again.

"See, sometimes I forget people know us, and that I post my face to thousands of people daily," Freya says to me, talking to the security guards soon after, letting us back into the VIP area where everyone was milling around.

"Right! I'm like - hold up, how do you know my name? And then I think about it, and I'm like, oh, I film myself weekly."

"You two took long enough! Thought you were just going for coffee?" Tobi yelled out, other members of the group laughing at his words.

"We did just go out for coffee! But then these two girls came up to us and asked for a picture, what were we supposed to say? No?" Freya defended.

"Aw, they have fans!" Josh teased, making a sarcastic face at the two of us.

Freya grimaced back at him, rolling her eyes before walking over to him and sitting down. That was gonna be one awkward conversation.

I walked back over to where Simon was sat, near enough on his own. The nearest people to him were Vik and Elouise, and even then they were a couple of seats away.

"Hey, Simon," I said gently, pressing a hand to his shoulder to let him know I was there.

"Oh hey, Tee. You alright?"

"I'm alright. Just worried about you," I told him honestly, sitting down next to him.

"I'm alright. Just worried for Jide, nothing new," he confessed.

"We all are, but he won last time, and I'm sure he will again. Think about how hard he's been training for this, he's so determined, Simon, we've seen it first hand. All the early starts, all the hours of training he's been through...have faith in him."

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