Chapter 54

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This book is now officially my longest actual book (not including the Instagram series) on wattpad, passing Miniminter's sister with 53 chapters!! Yay!! And we still have a couple more to go, dw <3

I wrote this chapter with Better by Talia Mar on repeat in the background. I am in love with her that is all. Ok enjoy!!!


"Happy birthday, again!" He says to me as we lay in bed after a very packed day. I only really have half an hour left of my birthday now, but I've honestly had the best day ever, spending it all with my friends, as I had wanted to. 

"And happy one year of us," I remind him, snuggling into his side.

"Obviously. But I didn't want it to outshine your birthday. Today was your day," he says, a content smile on his face. 

"I love you, thank you for today. It was really amazing," I say with a happy smile, and I really mean it. I don't think I could be happier. 

"Okay, so, what if I told you that there is one more surprise for you today.." he said suddenly, his words causing me to sit up and look at him incredulously. 

"Sorry, what now? You've done way too much already...Simon!"

"Okay, okay, I can see why you say that but just hear me out! You're going to lose your mind," he promised. 

"Oh my God...what have you done?"

"I know you have a passion - and definitely a talent for writing songs. And don't think I've not heard you singing some original stuff...anyway, I know the whole thing with your ex kinda scared you away from making music, so I set up a day for you to record one of your own songs professionally...well, Sophie helped a lot. RecordX recently opened a London studio, so..."

"'re kidding, right?" I asked, completely taken aback and staring at him in visible shock. "This is a joke, right?"

"No," he said, grinning. "Not a joke. Completely real. You're gonna be able to record your own song!" 



"Simon!" I squealed, jumping out of bed and jumping up and down on his floor, my hands outstretched and truly getting caught up in the moment. This was my happy place. 

"Wait...but what about releasing the song? I'm not signed with any record or anything..."

"Sophie assured me she has it sorted. Don't worry about it at all, focus on the fact you're going to be able to write again!"

There was a knock on the door, JJ peering his head round. "Heard a madness in here, just checking that everyone is okay," he said with a smirk, looking between me and Simon. Simon nodded his head at JJ, who then looked impressed, before saying goodbye and leaving. 

"What was that about?" I asked, arching an eyebrow, looking at Simon. 

"Told JJ about the whole recording thing, he was gassed for us both. That was his way of asking if it went well," he explained. 

"I'm telling you now, if JJ interrupts every time he 'hears a madness' in the new apartment I will be sleeping on the couch..."



"Good luck, have fun, I will see you later," Simon said, gracing me with a small kiss and a hug before driving off, leaving me outside the newly built studio I was soon going to be making music in. 

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