Y/N is Alexander, a prominent democrat army lieutenant who's been in Military for 6 years was hired as a personal security guard to protect Madam Vice President Kamala Harris, but during the course of the pandemic you'll develop feelings and ended...
It's been a full month since the press conference, and the death of my father. Time passes by again and July is officially here at last. Kamala and I went to the doctor for another maternity checkup, our baby is growing really well and so far Kamala hasn't been stressing. The nurse did asked us if we want the gender revealed to us but Kamala declined. Kamala is already 3 months pregnant and is doing really great with our baby. I still miss my father even though I know he would be happy to see us married, and Kamala's mom would be too.
It was the first week of July, and the wedding invitations was sended out thanks to Jill for mailing them with the help of Maya. Kamala wanted to have a traditional wedding because of her culture and I agreed to it, so Kamala's dad took my shopping for the tuxedo and the hawaiian flower beads to go with it.
"You look great son." Joe said as he and Barack picked similar outfits, Kamala are picked out her bridesmaids that would stand by her side through the ceremony.
She chose Jill, Maya, Alexandria, Vanessa, and half of her friends from Howard University sorority team to join in. We've been busy as we got the preparation together, looking up for a brighter future for both of us.
"How's my soon to be wife doing?" I said smiling at her as she noticed a bouquet of white lotus flower handed to her. She smiled as we began kissing.
"I'm doing fine, and I'm more happy that your here with me." She said placing her palm of my cheek.
"I'm happy that your finally happy, after all you are the love of my life." I held her close by the waist as she giggled.
"Your so cute when you smile like that." I said kissing her on the cheek.
"Why everytime I wake up to you, all I see is a beautiful sexy gorgeous woman like yourself too fine?" I said between kisses as she blushes hard.
"Alex, your really making me blush here." She said as I continued to kissed her.
"Well then how about we take it personal at home then." I smirked caressing on butt as she looked deep into my eyes.
"Alex you animal!" She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I love you so much Momala."
"I love you too baby..." She moaned when Joe and Maya laughed a little after seeing us.
Kamala and I let go suddenly as she laughed, I began blushing in embarrassment.
"Look at the lovebirds trying to get freaky." Maya said teasing.
"I can't help, she's so fine." I admitted as Kamala blushed.
"Save that for the honeymoon 'Romeo'." Joe winked.
We all walked down the hall towards the flower garden like wedding theme. Kamala's jaw dropped open in awe as I stared in shocked.
"Omg, it looks amazing." Maya said Joe nodded agreeing with her.
"Since its the day before the wedding, we need to celebrate." Hiliary showed up with her husband as he looked at the garden.
"How are we gonna celebrate, I'm sure Alex and Kamala would like some alone time together." Joe stated.
"You know partying and eating out. Invite few friends over, and have fun." It seems like she's refering to bachelor's party.
"Well that is if Kamala and Alex agreed to it." Maya said looking at us as I held Kamala's hand.
"Fine, a party to celebrate seems okay to me." She said as I nodded in agreement.
"Good let's go get the lady of the hour ready for her big night." Maya and Hillary grabbed Kamala as they walked down the hall.
"I love you babe." I called out to Kamala as she replied.
"I love you too."
"Now let's go have fun, Barack had planned something a little wild." Joe said as walked down the hallway.
Nighttime came and Kamala look stunning in her dress. She looks too damn sexy, my eyes glued onto her sexiness as she blushed looking at me
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"Alex, your making me blush here." She looked away embarrassed as I bit my lower lip in excitement.
"I can't help it, seeing you made my cock hard all of the sudden." I admitted, I became horny seeing her like this as she gushes.
"How about we skip the party and-" before I could finished, Jill came ready for the evening.
"There's the bride and her groom let's go you two, we're gonna have so much fun." She said grabbing Kamala's hand as I walked with them.
Two white limousines came and one of them is filled with women. Kamala and Jill walked out of the white house as I followed.
"Jill wait let me say goodbye to Alex first." Kamala said as she walked back up towards me.
"I'm gonna miss you baby." She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck, while I held onto her by the waist.
"I'm gonna miss you too baby... I really don't want to separate." Honestly I don't want her to go, as she cupped her hands on my cheek.
I leaned in as we kissed passionately gripping onto her. Everyone watched as the ladies began to scream in excitement.
"Oh Lord Alex..." Michelle laughed while Maya's jaw dropped as I deepened my kiss on Kamala not letting her go. We even tongue and French kissed as she moaned softly.
After our intimate moment, Kamala bit her lower lip seductively.
"I'll see you tonight." She whispered as she winked at me walking away towards the first limousine getting in.
The car then pulls off heading out the gates, as I walked with Joe, Barack, Bill and many other guys to the second one.
"Where are going Joe?" I said curious.
"To the bachelor's delight Soundcheck, while the ladies went to the nightclub downtown to the Ultrabar." Joe said winked as I got in the limousine was packed as retro songs began playing.
"This is gonna be a long night." I thought to myself as I looked out the window, the champagne bottle is seen out in the open, cocktail weinies served and lastly a flat screen TV. I sat back as we all took a ride down to the nightclub. Music began blasting on the radio....