Chapter 43: Honeymoon Date

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Kamala and I went walking around the mall looking at things and shopping. We both enjoyed the scenery of the place, especially the indoor water fountain in the middle, we took time shopping for accessories that she likes and I liked. Kamala became so fonded with dresses that she even bought three dresses from and purses from Michael Kors that she might one day would like to wear on occasions. Their bakeries here is also nice.

"Wants something to snack on?" I questioned as we walked.

"Sure, a yogurt sounds nice." She said as we entered the bakery and ordered our snack, Kamala loves German chocolate cake and loves healthy yogurts it became too difficult for her to pick out what she wanted.

"Need help?"I picked out both of the desserts for her as I placed our order.

"That will be $20.45 sir." A Bahamaian cashier said as I handed him change. After we got our snacks, we ended up sitting at the table, enjoying our day together.

Kamala dip her spoon in the yogurt and had me try it out for a taste.

"Mmm it's good." I said savoring on the berrie flavor as I dipped my spoon in the ice cream for her to taste. Kamala enjoyed the ice cream as she giggled noticing the cream on face, she grabbed a napkin to wipe it off before placing a kiss on my cheek. Then we began enjoying our snack as right then and there.

Afterwards we went walking around as Kamala went into her favorite store to look at their designer professional wear. Their shoes are highly pricy and cost extra than what anyone pays for, but that's Kamala...whatever she wants, she gets. We searched in the maternity alse looking at longer dresses, and pants that might cover her pregnancy, she picked three more things she wanted as she already purchased them.

After purchasing the maternity wear dresses and the suits, Kamala and I went taking photos in the photo booth.

"Now where is that beautiful smile from my wife hmm?" I questioned teasing her as she laughs, we even kissed as snapshots were made.
Once leaving the booth Kamala looked in awe staring at the photos of us goofing around and loving each other.

"I'm gonna go into Victoria secrets to get a swimsuit." She said as we walked inside there, a bunch of people, some with friends and others with their spouses looked around. Kamala picked out a rindow bikini with a heart shape in the middle that saids 'pink' on it.

"Does this look right for me?" She questioned as I nodded. I went to pick out panty and stockings with gaterbelt set as she jolts blushing.

"Babe-" she fluttered red as I smiled at her response.

"What we're on a honeymoon trip, no need to feel embarrassed about what you dress, to me you look hot wearing this tonight." I winked smirking as she covers her face with embarrassment showing.

"F-fine..." She took the outfit along with the swimsuit and bikini to go purchase.

After purchasing for the items, we went looking around some more, there is a huge aquarium in the lower deck so we walked there and a lot of sea creatures swimming around.

Kamala and I watched the fishes swimming as she pointed out a starfish above.

"It's really beautiful here." She said in awe as I hugged her. We took selfies before leaving to head off to the food court.

Many people were spotted at the food court especially the playgrounds, children were running and laughing as we sat down. Kamala looked at the restaurants on where she wanted to eat at.

"How about we eat at the buffet, I heard they got seafood there and Hawaiian themed desserts." I suggested as she gave in to what I said.

We both walked inside the buffe, requesting a seat as I paid for the lunch meal. We both ordered the samething, shrimp alfredo spaghetti with Hawaiian salad on the side. As the man brought the food to us, along with the breadsticks, I tipped the waiter.

"Remember like on our first date, we got off of each other's plate?" She remembered our first date together, when we went to the Italian restaurant.

"I remembered that time you was smiling so joyfully getting away from work, and you spended a night with me at my old apartment." I said also picturing our night together as she laughed.

"The secret service agents was hunting me down all night that day I went out and stayed all night with you." Recalling the search issue, it took Kamala all day explaining to the secret agents especially the AOC, at least they let her off hook after she told them who she was hanging out with, it's like she had to be babysat for every hour and minute, of course it seems so bothering to her. From that day on ever since, we still hangout in public's only when she's off for weekends.

 From that day on ever since, we still hangout in public's only when she's off for weekends

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"Okay, let's taste each other's food." I said as she giggled. Soon we taste the food with the fork as we both fed each other.

"I should do this when your not feeling well Momala." I said Kamala grin with her glare.

"Okay daddy~" she retorted as I almost choked on my salad.

"Haha funny..." I smiled as we began eating.

After we ate lunch, Kamala and I left the mall taking the limousine as we went to look at historical places and walking around some more. We've stayed out until it was evening, and the sun started setting.

Kamala and I went back to the hotel that evening, getting ready for a dinner date.

Her breast slowly started getting big I noticed as she puts her dress on for tonight

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Her breast slowly started getting big I noticed as she puts her dress on for tonight. Looking extra beautiful

"Alex, I'm leaking!" She panicked as I rushed in the bathroom, her breast became moisty as little fluids squirts out.

"Baby, that's breast milk." I said as she blushes trying to wipe off the wetness.

"There's nothing wrong with it, actually common during pregnancy." I said reasurring her as the squirting stops.

She was able to clean it off her, as she put her sports bra on covering her cleavages up then put her dress back on refreshing herself up for our dinner date.

"Ready my love?" I questioned as she nodded.

We walked out of the room holding hands, and locking the door behind us heading down the lobby and exiting out for our night out fun...

To be continued to Chapter 44...

My Little Secret: A Kamala Harris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now