Y/N is Alexander, a prominent democrat army lieutenant who's been in Military for 6 years was hired as a personal security guard to protect Madam Vice President Kamala Harris, but during the course of the pandemic you'll develop feelings and ended...
The next day came after we spend a night watching Netflix and sleep in bed together. Kamala and I got dressed early that morning hours. We checked out of our hotel and began our way to the marines South China Sea before leaving Singapore before heading to Vietnam. This is also part of Kamala's biggest goals on her to do list. We was being escorted by the agents while passing by people cheering for us. Kamala waved her hand out the window as people waved and clapped their hands.
"You ready baby?" I asked as Kamala's palm sweated hinting how nervous she is.
"I'll be fine, we have to get the job done now matter what circumstances there may be." She said leaning on my shoulder.
"When we get back home, I'm gonna whip up some nice hot tea you like and take care of you and our daughter." I said as she snuggles up.
"I can't wait to meet her." She placed her hands on the womb as I held her other hand gently.
"Me too, I can't wait for that time comes..." I said as we looked out the window together enjoying a little breeze especially in this weather.
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Once we got there we was greeted by navies who gathered inside the building as she spoke about the plan to restore America and united people together. I stood by the team administration watching her as she was being escorted to the poll by the commissioner. I blew a kiss at her as she blushed a little before speaking....
After the meeting we began touring the marine corp inside the airship surrounded by workers coming in and going out. That was the last spot Kamala wanted to see before we left Singapore. By the time we left the marines, we began traveling to Air Force 2.
"We're here and ready for take off." I said as Kamala and I walked together after getting out of the car. The agents carried our belongings while I escorted Kamala on the plane.
"Madam Vice President, we're here to report that there's gonna be a slight bit of a delay. The Havana Syndrome is occuring, so please rest up until we are ready to take off. Jennifer said as she went back to the seats and made some calls.
"At least we'll be able to relax on board." She said as we walked inside the plane.
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