Chapter 25: Old Fling - Part.5

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My mind was elsewhere, angry by the sight, as I was seeing red. I bald my fist up angrily charging at Montel, with force. I punched him hard in the face he falls on the floor, nose bleeding while struggling to get up. Onlookers ran out.

"Get up!" I spat angrily as Montel slowly got up and I punched him again knocking his teeth out, soon he started bleeding from the mouth.

"MAN FUCK YOU!!!" Montel angrily spat trying to stand.

"I love her, and suddenly your ass comes in here just to steal her away from me!"

"She doesn't love you Montel....LET IT GO ALREADY!!!!" I yelled.

"I tapped that ass back then and I will do it again...." He smirked as I clenched my fist in anger, I widened my eyes as I charged at him again punching him in the nose as he started bleeding.

"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH MY WOMAN!!!" I snapped kicking him on the side of the stomach repeatedly, Kamala screamed as she and Vanessa ran towards me.

"STOP IT, ALEX...STOP!!!" Kamala tried to stop me, as Vanessa shoved me to the wall.

"Bro, he's not worth it. Leave that son of a bitch alone." Vanessa said as I calmed down, sitting on the floor, with my knuckles bloodied, Montel slowly got up and ran away. While I looked to the floor angrily....

"I want to kill him..." I mumbled as Kamala looked at me scared.

"Baby?" She reached her hand out as I shoved it away enraged.

Kamala tearfully looked at me, as I realized I may have hurt her the most.

"I'm sorry..." She sobbed as I hugged her, crying on my shoulder and is completely upset, I comforted her as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"How about I call Maya on the phone, stay with your lady." Vanessa ran back to get the phone and to call Maya.

"It's not your fault Kamala, I forgave you....I still love you-" I tried to say what I had to say to her, but before I could finished, Kamala kissed me as her tears began falling.

"I love you." I repeated as she hugged me, she then helped me up as we walked out of the hall.

Suddenly Maya was calling our name, her my mom and Meena ran just in time towards us.

"Alex my baby, what happened to you!" Mom questioned with worry.

"Montel did it...." Kamala said as Meena hugged her auntie.

"Don't worry about him, just head back to the hotel and rest up for awhile okay." Vanessa insisted as we said our goodbyes and departed back to the hotel.

"When you guys get back, I'll just call up the rest of the family and tell them to come back to the hotel." Maya said sadly, I don't want to worry her and the others. I want them to have fun.

"It's okay, don't worry about me." I insist but from the look on her face she changed her mind and won't change it back.

We drove back to the hotel where I was brought back up to our hotel room, Kamala sat beside me while I laid on the bed, knuckles are sored while I dose off to sleep.... Kamala watched over me as she gave me kisses on the cheek.

It was a big mistake, seeing Montel...fuck and the fact he now wants the love of my life back too, I can't believe this, I wasn't finished with that bastard, if I see him again.... I will attack him.

That evening I had a worst nightmare...from the time I was a teenager again, and I ended up biking my way back to the hotel in the rain storm.

I was riding my bike, the slope was steap and difficult for me to continue. So I climbed upward by rock, the rain was coming down. I kept pushing on while dragging my bike along.

"Okay I got this..." My younger me told myself, when suddenly a thunder clap was made, as I got to the near top, the boulder became slippery with mud, and water causing me to slip and fall two feet down but I grabbed on the nearby branch as I got back up again....

"Almost there...." I reached for the last boulder, when the boulder moved and soon more of them started falling, the rock slide collusion began and I ended up falling all the back down to the ground, screaming in bike got damaged and I fell near the road, my body was sore, bruises appeared on my leg, a cut mark on my forehead and scratch marks all over me. I weakly stood up trying to get out of the rain, my clothes was wet and dirty. My vision became blurry as I became dizzy, out of the blue, at first I thought that was the end of me...until the woman appeared again.... She got out of the car and ran up to me, panicking as she then tried to get inside the car.

" okay kid?" She asked as she looks at me, her figure...she looks familiar now...she reminded me of someone I know.....

She had a long black hair, light skin...but she is African American. Her voice too...

As I arrived to the ER, the doctors put me on the stretcher carring me away as I reached out her hand, that soft touch I'll never forget....

Who was she....

"Who are you..." I weakly said....

The buzzing sound started up again, before it happen... I heard her said 'Kamala' I suddenly fainted.

Now I remember who she is, the woman that saved me when I was young is the woman I'm now with. She had a work outfit on, long black dress, as she looked at me with worry...


It was her, she was the woman that saved me long ago.

It was her, she was the woman that saved me long ago

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I finally found her.... The love of my life

As I remembered it, I lost my memory for a short time, but slowly got it back... Since back then I vowed to find that woman who saved me, but I didn't realize she was right beside me...

Kamala it was you all along...

I awoken up while Kamala noticed me, and she hugged me tightly...

"I'm glad your okay Alex, I was scared that Montel might hurt you." She teary eyed said emotionally.

I smiled back at her, as she laid on shoulder next to me.

"I'm okay, and I'm not going anywhere...." I said to her as she dose to take a nap....

To be continued to Chapter 26....

My Little Secret: A Kamala Harris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now