Chapter 79: Lunch with the Prime Minister

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"So what plans do you have for our daughter one day?" Kamala asked laying beside me in sheets as the moonlight shine through the window.

"Hmm, like future?"

"Yeah, something like. I have always spoke about kids being the future leaders with ambition, and facing them when I do have conversations with them. Now that we're gonna be parents soon, I'm more concerned about Shyamala's future." Kamala began thinking and is worried.

"Don't be scared baby, we'll do this together and help our child reach her goal in life." I caressed her cheeks as she faces me.

"Why can't I be scared? As a woman, mother and Vice President, I can only take so much and sometimes it worries me about what our baby would do in the future. Alex I'm really afraid...." Kamala held on me tight as I took a deep breath. Honestly, she's right though. I don't know what will happen, but I know deep down we'll get through this.

"We got this together, I know we can do this because we are a team. Our goal is to ensure the happiness for our child, no matter what happens. We have to support her, that's what parents do for their children. Your mother supported you till the very end, so let's do the same for Shy." I said as Kamala smiled softly at me.

"She can be anything she wanted to be, right?"

"Yes, even a president just like her mom, someone who leads and empowers women. Someone like you Kamala." I kissed Kamala on the forehead as she laid on my chest again.

"Thank you." She said as I looked surprised.

"For what Momala?"

"For being there with me through it all, ups and downs. For having faith in me when I needed it and for saving my life all over again. I love you so much and I'll keep on saying it many times because it's true." She snuggles up on me as I looked at her with my eyes softened.

"I love you too, and I'll keep on saying it everyday. Plus to give you bouquet of flowers and write you a poem many times as you like." I said lastly as we slept together peacefully.

*beep beep beep*

My alarm on my phone went off as I look to see it's 7am and a bit chilly outside. It was the morning of the Veteran holiday and sun was rising. Last night Kamala and I Awoke and relaxed enough, I saw Kamala already awoke up and had went to go take a bath as I heard the bath water running.

"Baby, you up?" I asked getting out of the bed, wearing a robe while walking to the bathroom. Kamala wraps her hair in the bun before getting inside the tub.

"Yep, just getting ready."

"Oh okay, you want me to whip you up some breakfast? Anything you want, I'll fix-" I asked before she grabbed ahold of my wrist pulling me in.

"Nope, just get in the tub with me so we can relax together. Besides, today is a very special one."

"How special hmm?" I got in removing my robe as I step into the warm bubbly water, soothing to my skin.

"I received an email from the Prime Minister Emmanuel after the visit to the cemetery honoring the fallen soldiers during the Veterans day ceremony at the church, we're meeting up for lunch." Kamala announced as she leans on my chest relaxing in the bubbles.

"That's good to hear, this will help build a strong relationship with France." I became happy for Kamala, hopefully US and France will have a close budding relationship that can strengthen tides.

"Can you massage my shoulders, it's really giving me the aches." Kamala asked as I firmly rubbed her, she leans back.

"That feels good, right there." She started laughing feeling ticklish.

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