Chapter 5: The Future- Part.3 (finale)

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Kamala laid on my chest as I looked at the TV, wires were humming, the police was at the scene. Everything went wrong down there.

At this point I felt like we're caught in between a never-ending war, that felt like a eternity.

Not long ago, early in the morning we both spoke about our lives together, it was the moment I realized that I truly found my soulmate

"You okay?" I continued to stroke her hair, as she calmly rosed and beamed.

"Yes, now that your okay, I'm more happy." She's so cute, I just couldn't help to resist her sweet like charm.

"Let's get outta here." I suggested to her dismay.

"No, you just out of the surgery and you need to recover first." She's right though, even if I want to...she'll find ways to stop me.

Kamala didn't want me to leave until the doctors arrived and check on me

Plus my body feels a bit sore from earlier too, just my luck.

"I'll be fine babe, all I have to do is recover at home, simple." I tried and again she gave me a glare as if she's gonna hunt her prey.

The same glare she used when she goes to court trials and prosecutions.

The same glare she used when she goes to court trials and prosecutions

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"No" she sternly said

A cold shoulder, of a overprotective woman.

"Oh come on, when I was in the army, I was released from hospitals and recovered on my own at home all the time." She glared.

"Fine, only if you recover at my house under my care." She smirked, she pulled a fast one on me.

"Huh?" I looked in disbelief.

"Either my place or you stay here." She's good.

Welp I guess I'll stay at hers, the thing is my parents aren't aware of my relationship with her, plus she's 10 years older than me.

"Fine Momala." I joked

She laughed.

A doctor came in, and talked to me to see if I had any sores or bruises.

"Hey, Dr. Jameson can I be released today?" I requested as he looked curious

"Well is there a reason?" He questioned.

Kamala intervened by giving her side of the story.

"Well, I wanted him to recover close to the White House, and that way we can moderate him closely." She said

I nodded along to her excuse.

Dr. Jameson thought for a moment.

"Okay, he'll be under your care Madam Vice President at the White House." He said as he wrote in paper requesting for my departure.

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