Chapter 104: Family Picnic - Pt. 2

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Both Maya and Jackson cut the watermelons out as they began passing them around to everyone. She then passed it to me and Kamala as we both sat up in the shades drinking lemonade and enjoying the view with our daughter who notices the fruit as she tries to latch on and nibble off of it. She's still too small to eat solid things yet but I had an idea. I reached for the bag to grab out the baby bowl and spoon as I scoop up the birth pieces of the watermelon slices and started to break them till they turned into sauce.

Shy clapped her hands excitedly as Kamala held on the lap watching while I smush the watermelon in the bowl. After that, I began feeding her as she took a big bite off it and swallowed it.

"Aww, mommy so proud of you!" Kamala said as she gave our daughter a kiss on the cheek.

Shy started cooing as she kicked with joy, uncaring if anyone saw her. She then grabbed her feet as her eyes widen.

"I think our little princess notices that she has feet." I said watching Shy looking curious, she then began standing on her own as Kamala and I watched in Shock. She's 5 months old and is already growing on us.

"I don't want our baby to grow up. First she lifted her head up on her own just two days after she was born and now she's standing." Kamala pouted as she held our daughter.

"Pandemic babies are really something else, they're built different." I said as Shy reaches for the bowl to nibble some more now with her hands as I used the spoon to feed her.

The kids was laughing and running around playing in the water.

"To us, the Second Gentleman and Madam Vice President. Plus to our second child of the United States." She said toasting us with the watermelon, as we ate.

Kamala began looking in the bag, reaching for the doggy treats to feed Kali who is seen laying down on the towel, enjoying the weather. Our dog began sniffing, noticing the smell of already cooked ribs and grilled burger made her anxiously hungry. Plus the beef kibbles Kamala packed inside the container also got her attention.

"Maya!" Suddenly we stopped in our tracks as we turned to see Maya cuffing her mouth, throwing up in the trashcan.

Kamala got up and ran to Maya as I held our daughter.

"It's okay Shy, auntie just a little sick that's all." I said calming her down.

"Sis, you okay?" Kamala asked her assisting Maya as she coughed some more, my mom knew right then and there she's not feeling so well, she ran over with a bottle of water for her to drink.

Maya suddenly threw up again before she even covered her mouth.

"Omg, baby!" Jackson called out as I walked up holding Shy who is completely unaware and trying to sleep. Kamala started rubbing Maya's back as she coughed up a little in the bucket, it seems she's not throwing up anymore. Jackson opened the bottle cap as Kamala continues pat her back as she began sitting up drinking the water from the bottle.

"Baby, are you okay?" Jackson asked as Maya shooked her head in response of yes.

"I feel better now, it's just the smell of grilled food got to me and made me sick a little..." Just like what happened to Kamala a year ago, she got sick It made her nauseous when theres greasy foods out and about.

"The ribs is ready alongside hot dogs and burgers, no need to worry cause I'm gonna turn the grill off." Jackson's mom said.

Jackson reached for the handbag and grabbed the rag and dunk the water on it to rub Maya as she drinks it up another bottle.

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