Chapter 62: Overseas Trip Part. 1

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After the incident that happened 2 nights ago, Kamala and I build a better trust in each other. We haven't fought nor got angry at each other, it's all love. She decided it's best if I go with her to Singapore despite the fact that the country isn't friends with the US. Kamala and I thought it's for the best and her close priority plus she's 5 months pregnant.

"Joe, I wanted to know if it's best for Alex to come with me. I might need higher protection for this trip." Kamala asked in the conference hall privately as I stood out of the hall waiting for his answer hopefully he'll approve.

They was talking in the room for a short time, I stood there patiently as the door opens and Joe appears.

"Me and your wife spoke Alex and I do believe it's best for you two to go together. She's gonna be needing some mass protection from you so good luck on your journey you two." I sighed in relief as Kamala hugged me.

"Thank you Joe." I said to him as he nodded off.

"Hey Kamala, I need to talk to Alex alone for a minute." Kamala nodded as me and Joe stepped in his office.

"Alex... I know this is sudden but, this is a state of an emergency. I was informed about a possible threat on Kamala Harris, unnamed group of men have been plotting to assassinate her." I stood furrowing my eyebrows.

I knew it just like Kamala's mom said to me in my sleep when Kamala was in the hospital....

"Are you gonna do something about this? Who in the right mind would stood this low, especially during the time like this?" I questioned Joe.

"I don't know son, all I do know is your not safe anymore. It seems that there is someone out there, and I already know some Republicans are still trying to mock us and I haven't heard much about Trump but, I do know that there's a bunch of his supporters that might have something to do with it."

"I'll do what I can, you can count on me Joe." I lastly said as I got up.

"Be careful Alex, your gonna be needing it." I left his office worried about the dangers lying ahead for me.

After we spoke with Joe about the plan, of course he was worried about what happened few days ago.

"Hey Alex, you text me about something important." Jackson said as we sat down in the Starbucks coffee shop.

"I need you to protect Maya and Meena for us while me and Kamala are away on the business trip. For some reason I have this weird feeling something bad is gonna happen." I said drinking my latte.

"You seemed worried." Jackson somehow got the clue of what I'm thinking.

"Do you think something bad will happen if you both aren't here?" He questioned as I nodded.

"Okay look, I got a plan. I'm gonna take Maya and the rest of her family to Disney World, which is a plan that I made from the start. We'll be gone for a whole week so don't worry."

"Okay, when you guys leaving because me and Kamala are leaving tomorrow morning."

"Same day as you, but we're leaving at 4 in the morning."

Jackson and I finished the chatting as Maya and Kamala shows up joining us for lunch. I learned that Joe's wife Jill treated him out to a Italian restaurant for lunch.

"I got a surprise for you baby." Jackson showed Maya the tickets as she hugged him.

"Jackson oh my god... Are you serious waiting- there's a lot of tickets." Maya looked at them.

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