Chapter 33: Aftermath

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After the passing of my father, still left everyone in shocked, mom was taking it hard the same way my auntie was too. It scarred us to the point it felt like apart of me died inside. After we came back from the hospital viewing his body, Kamala still looked shaken up from the events that unfolded.

Montel is dead now, at least brought some relief to us, but still Kamala felt violated when he tried to rape her, because of this she would back away from any doctor that tried to touch her, and usually clings onto me. I felt angry that all of this was my fault, none of this wouldn't happen, if Montel didn't kidnap my fiancee, and killed my father in the end. Kamala was emotionally triggered because of the bruises he inflicted on her, the blessing came when the doctors came and announced that our child is okay. At least it brought her some closure.

"You okay?" She sat down on the bed with me, holding my hand and laying on my shoulder, as I tightly held her.

"I just need you right now." I said still shocked by the trauma, it really plagued us, Kamala's grandma helped mom with the preparations for the funeral, to think what would Kamala do if it was me on the ground, dying in front of her....

I almost died protecting her, but she was too scared back then, but now she saved my life in return.

She lost her mother to cancer, and I lost my father to gunshot wounds. It really took a major turn on us, I couldn't help it but to laugh from crying.

"You know, he's always been there for me. Those days while I was growing up I'll never forget.... He was proud of me for serving in the military and got a degree in masters...." My voice began to break as I clenched hard. Kamala got up.

"It's all my fault..." I finally admit, tears began to run down. The thunder clap was made outside as Kamala walked towards me.

"It's...m-my fault....that you got taken....and my d-dad died...." I cried as Kamala hugged me tightly as I embraced her we sat on the bed as she began to cry too....

"Shhh.... It's my fault....none of this wouldn't happened in first place, and I'm so sorry...." She breaks as we hugged each other cry.

For the remainder of the afternoon, everyone got together sending us condolences, Kamala stayed in the hotel bedroom with me as I laid on her lap as she sat up caressing my hair.

The pain had render us dramatically and left silence on everyone, since that evening Kamala and I thought it would be best if we leave and head back to DC, there I can take few days away from work to grieve, so we packed our things to depart from South California. My family left for the airport as we hugged each other, saying goodbyes.

"I'm so sorry for your loss nephew." My uncle said as we hugged each other, while the rest of them got into the car.

Kamala's dad decided to give them a lift there. Now all we have to do is wait for the funeral arrangements to began.

Kamala and I left the hotel with the Bidens embarking the private jet, with My mom and Kamala on board, leaving behind Kamala's sister, nieces, her dad and grandma behind as they wave us off. I held her hand as we flew back to DC that night.

It was a silent ride and the news of my father's passing still rings within my ears. As soon as we got to DC, we drove right back to our homes being escorted by the secret services, the weekend vacation ended horribly, I still remember every detail that transcribed.


Four weeks later, my dad's funeral came. It was a private gathering but televised, by now everyone knows what happened, Rev. Jesse Jackson whom Kamala knew closely wanted to send off my father in the best way as possible, his closed casket funeral service took place at the Catholic church that Kamala and the Bidens attend every Sunday. Joe cried as he presented his speech.

"He was like a brother to me, we both shared the same dream on the same ideas in life. It's gonna be difficult that your not here with us. Your untimely death, was considered heartbreaking to us all. Your widow, son, your future daughter in law, and the grandchild you haven't got a chance to see. It's hard on all of us, you died as a hero." Joe tearfully said as he presented his eulogy.

The 2 hour service ended as we drove off back to the funeral home, dad was cremated and his ashes was given to mom, she went back home a following week later, accepting his death. Since then we kept in touch.

We focused on our wedding, as everything is almost complete. Time flies by as Maya with her daughter and granddaughters came by to visit. Kamala stomach began to grow, soon she'll be 2 months pregnant.

"Our wedding is approaching and I can't wait to share my life with your." She said laying on my shoulder as we sat up from our bed. We already setup the crib and the furniture.

"I love you Kamala." I held her hand as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you more." Our wedding was scheduled for 4th of July. There we will be wedding behind the white house, Jill send out invitations of guest who she wants present.

As I looked at the garden themed wedding set up. Kamala picked her favorite cake out, as Joe and I went tuxedo shopping. My cousins came by to hangout during vacation from school and visit their baby cousin's room

Kamala is already 12 weeks pregnant, baby bump showing and is glowing, smiling wide as we held hands in the public for the world to see.

Photographers took photos of us walking together as I held her hands, soon the world knew about her pregnancy and our relationship....

To be continued to Chapter 34....

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