Chapter 66: Redemption- Part. 1

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Trigger Warning: Gore


It's been few hours while on flight back to DC, Kamala has been worried ever since. She's been making calls to Nancy Pelosi checking to see if everything is okay and if there were updates, so far and sadly there was no good news at all, several more police officers were killed and some of the senates was injured. Upon hearing this, it felt like we're heading back into warzone again. But what triggers me the most is the fact that the unknown person threatened to do harm to Kamala. I was too far done livid by the ordeal.

"Baby, you okay?" I asked Kamala as kept quiet which now worries me.

"Baby, don't worry everything is gonna be fine-"

"No it's not." She cuts me off as I got quiet.

"Everything is not fine, Alex. I thought if me and Joe worked together bringing back peace to America and restore our democracy everything would've been fine! But it's not..." She breaks as tears formed around her eyes.

"I promised my mother that I'll do everything I can to make her proud and here I am, finally a Vice President but we're SCREWING UP!" She sobs as I comfort her.

"I'm also saddened that mom isn't here to see her grandchild coming into this world... Everything is falling apart around us, the world is still divided and everyone we know and loved is fighting each other!" She cries as I tried to calm her down.

"Kamala, focused babe. We're gonna do everything we can to restore democracy and bring peace to this world, plus our goal is to see that our daughter will succeed one day in the future, Shyamala knows your gonna be alright and I believe it, because I believe in you." I said reassuring her as tears kept falling downward of her cheeks. She faintly smiled as she laid on my chest.

"Thank you Alex, for having faith in me." She finally said resting her head. I watched out the window looking at the evening view. Before you know it, nighttime will approach.

*3 hours later*

We arrived back to Joint Andrews base, as national guards surrounded the vehicles and many agents waited. After we land, Kamala and I walked out of the plane onward to the ground.

"Baby, I need you to stay at the hotel for tonight." I said to her as she grabbed my hand.

"Why? What's going on-" I cut her off by passionately tongue kissing her. We let go after our moment, Kamala was lit up bright red surprised by my kiss.

"Don't worry baby, just stay at the hotel for tonight okay?" I said as Kamala went silent until she gave in and nodded.

"Okay, I trust you." She lastly said as we walked to the car, allowing her to get in first. Vanessa was also seen in the car holding Kamala's hand.

"Escort Madam Vice President to the Presidential suite downtown, and defend her!" I commanded.


"I've got some unfinished business to attend to right now, make sure my wife and unborn child is safe!" I said finally running off to the last vehicle.

"Alex!" Kamala called out as I blew a kiss at her, waving off as she waved back.

"Second Gentleman sir, please reconsider-" A guard tried to reason with me as I cut him off.

"Don't you fucking dare trying to toy with my patience, get me to the White House!" I angrily retorted as the driver opens the door for me as I got inside closing it from behind. We began pulling, driving fast.

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