Y/N is Alexander, a prominent democrat army lieutenant who's been in Military for 6 years was hired as a personal security guard to protect Madam Vice President Kamala Harris, but during the course of the pandemic you'll develop feelings and ended...
I began pacing back and forth, completely upset and couldn't think straight. I kept thinking about Kamala to the point I lost it. The federal officers spoke with half of us, as my dad began to make calls. The kids were in the other rooms.
"Alex, please don't blame yourself son." Kamala's dad said calming me down.
"I can't, I want to know who took her!?" I panicked as Maya began praying. My phone began buzzing, it's Joe. I then answered it.
"Alex is everything okay? I just got word that something bad happened." Joe said with concern, I can't help the fact that everything turned upside down.
"No, Kamala....she's been kidnapped..." I broke down in tears, as Mom and Kamala's grandma came to my side.
"What? Are you serious Alex?!" Joe panicked as I struggled tearfully trying to hold back tears. His tone changed suddenly caught me off guard.
"Yes, and I don't know who took her...one minute she went to the bathroom...t-then the next minute she's gone!" I cried thinking I should've went with her and or we could've left the mall and head back here.... Maybe none of this would've happened. Why me....
"This is all my fault, I should've went with her and maybe none of this shit shouldn't happened...now she's gone..." I sobbed uncontrollably.
"Alex, now is not the time to cry about. Your going to be a second gentleman soon, so you need to get it together." Joe continued to calm me down.
"I'm on my way there, and we're gonna save Kamala even if it's the last thing to do."He vowed.
"No matter what, we'll find her son." Joe hunged up as I looked at her photo, tears ran down my face, soon regret, despair, and rage build up.
I got myself together and wiped my tears, as anger pour directly inside of me. I still blamed myself for everything that happened. The mall where the incident took place is closed down temporarily until future investigation is complete, and the news of her disappearance surfaced all over the news.
BREAKING NEWS: Fox News has been informed that the missing person alert has been issued from the White House Administration and the Federal office of Los Angeles County. The victim's identity is confirmed to be Vice President Kamala Harris has been kidnapped by an unidentified male, a footage from the Mall in South California showed Vice President trying to fight off the suspect wearing all black. Things took a dark turn when the victim (Harris) was knocked out and being carried away from the scene. Police are currently searching for Vice President Harris as we speak. More underway with these developing messages...
The News outlets confirmed and soon other television broadcast systems picked up on the situtaion. What if she's dead, or something bad happened to her. I kept pacing back and forth, I'm completely drained with emotions....What if I get a call saying they found a deceased woman near the outskirts of California... That could be Kamala! I couldn't eat nor sleep that night, as officers asked everyone questions, I began tracking through Kamala's phone to see if anyone was texting, maybe that would be a clue.
"Alex please you need to rest up. They'll find her..." Maya said as I sat on the bed in facing the phone infront of me. Looking at Kamala's photos as tears began to fall.
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"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN, WHAT IF SHE'S DEAD AND THE POLICE WON'T BE ABLE TO FIND HER!!!" I yelled as she flinched back scared. I kept looking at her photos, scrolling left and right until I couldn't take it anymore. I cried as Maya walked over and hugged me.
"I know she's fine. I believe in her, and I know she'll be found Alex... But you need to ready yourself to find her." Maya said as she wiped my tears.
"We need to find her and bring her back, now's not the time to be angry at yourself." I got up as I sat down on the couch with the Federal agents coming by to investigate. Looking around our room to find evidence. As the police began to search high and low, we all waited at the hotel until President Joe and his wife arrived. By now the world knows and I'm scared to lose her.
"Alex, Joe is on his way now." Dad said as he pass me a cup of whisky to calm my nerves and to ease the stress.
It's been 24 hours and Kamala still hasn't been found, I became worried that I haven't slept at all last night, I became restless and impatient to the point I called officers left and right to see if they found anything, and still nothing came up. I stayed up all the way till morning as I drunk coffee and looking out the window.
I got my suit on as I headed off to the base, some of the security team followed while others stayed at the hotel, we arrived at the spot where Joe and his wife will appear. Joe and his wife walked out of the plane as I walked towards them.
We hugged each other as we walked to the car riding back to the hotel.
"Now, let's get down to business son." He said as he got out his laptop. Military men followed behind the cops and security escorting us.
"We need to find out where to look Kamala. Leaving no trace unturned, Alex it's up to you now as we navigate everything, all you have to do is find out where Kamala is." Joe handed me a device to set up on my phone as GPS monitors everything. As we got to the hotel, Joe met everyone as we got down to business. Secret agents and military men were on standby.
"Whoever took Kamala, might want you to do them a favor, when that happens I want you to respond back to them for exchange."
Suddenly my phone beeped again another unknown message popped up.
"Alex, let's make a deal, in return for Kamala's life. I see you had got the police involved but that doesn't matter, because you might not see her again."
Joe and I looked angry as I replied back.
"What do you want from me, I'll give you anything." I sent a message in terror.
"I already got what I wanted Alex, bur you shouldn't have messed with me at the mall back then." When he sent that I knew right then and there it was Montel Williams.
"Don't hurt her. Please..." I begged as he sent a laughing emoji then a video of Kamala crying, she is seen nearly exposed and her dress us ripped up. She look bruised as she muffled cried.
I got angrier as I text back.
"What did you do to her!?" I typed faster.
"If something happens to her, I swear I'll kill you..." Lastly sent a message.
Then Montel replied.
"You know where to find me, at the lounge above the hilltop where Kamala is and come alone." That was the last message he sent out as I turned my phone off.