Chapter 88 : The Birth- Part. 1

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Kamala has been experiencing early signs of labor for days. To the point she had two false alarms twice in a row, as I became aware. However snow began falling as the temperature decreases further.

It's almost time...

New Years Eve 2021

I couldn't sleep well last night after Kamala began crying due to feeling slight painful shift in her lower back. My mind was on her to the point I forgot what I was doing myself.

While Kamala has been relaxing at home and spending enough time with Maya and Meena preparing for the New Years eve party.

They began decorating the house from top to bottom with my aunt's help, when I heard the clutching sounds as if someone accidentally dropped something on the floor.

"Kamala, are you okay?" Aunt Vicky's voice is heard in a more concern pattern as I rushed out of the room to see Kamala leaning on the wall taking a deep breath.

"Baby, something wrong?" I asked as Kamala grabbed my hand walking to sit down on the couch.

"Slight pain coming and going every thirty to forty minutes." She managed to say as I sat beside her. All the women in Kamala's life told her stories of what it felt like when giving birth. From Jill's to Maya's experiences of labor and delivery, Kamala starts believing the same thing will happen to her.

Due to Kamala's age, going over her due date could risk high complications and preeclampsia. And most women who are middled age, are at risk to lose their life through childbirth. I almost lost her because of stress she endured so much that it nearly killed me. She already had two false labors so this could be it and I'm for certain that this is it.

Maya told me couple of days ago of her past birth story when she was pregnant with Meena, three times she made a trip to a hospital and was send back home until October 20th, 1984 when she naturally gave birth to Meena on her sister's birthday.

"Hey, I'm back with some more supplies." Jackson comes in taking his coat off to hang as he began bringing the party stuff over to the counter.

"Is everything okay?" Jackson noticed something off as Kamala leans on my shoulder relaxing a little.

"Yeah, for now but, thanks for asking." I said as he nodded.


7 pm

After everything was set up, it's time to party with the guest as Donald, Yasmine and Roxy came along with the family came over to the house with party trays and drinks.

While Meena helped placing beverages on the counter and Maya set up cups. I went back upstairs to the bedroom to check on Kamala as mom kept her company.

"Hey, baby." Kamala said smiling sweetly at me as I held her hand sitting on the chair near the bed.

"How you feeling?" I asked looking deep into her eyes as the palm of her hands touched my cheeks.

"She's been getting a lot of rest son, I made sure she is well rested up." Mom said reassuring me as I sighed a little.

Kamala's hand firmly grips my wrist as mom jolts up worried.

"It's coming back again..." She said breathing through her contractions as I rubbed her arms.

"I'm gonna go get some help, watch over your wife till I get back." Mom said hurrying out the bedroom.

"Do you really think this could be it?" She looks at me softly with her teary eyes.

I'm sure of it that it's officially about that time and I know deep down Kamala couldn't wait either.

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