Chapter 77: Road to Paris Part.2

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It seemed like it's been couple of hours since traveling overseas, away from the US. The staff was relaxing on board and sleeping as Kamala laid on my should on the bed in the back of the plane bedroom. Last thing happened last night while on the flight, was the staff playing uno and drinking as if they're hanging out like old friends. Few like Yasmine herself was on the laptop doing last minute research before calling in for the night.

"Kamala, baby you okay?" I opened the door to see her already fast to sleep beside the window. She was extremely tired and we have a big day ahead of us, and the world is depending on her. I joined her in bed and laid there. Somehow she began to scoot close and got comfortable laying on my chest.

"Get some rest baby, you deserve it." I said lastly before I drifted to sleep with her....

Now that I'm awake, the light began shining through as I got myself together and ready.

"Wake up beautiful." I began kissing her as she slowly wakes up only to grab ahold of my wrist and pull me in. The scent of her perfume was intoxicating and I loved every bit of it. I fell in defeat and succumbed to her cuteness.

"You dare to wake me up, even though I was getting too comfortable in the bed?" She gave me a cute by sly as if she's up to something.

"I'm sorry for waking you up out of your beauty sleep baby, plus with you now on top of me it's getting warm in here." I said as she plays my curls.

"Save that for the hotel." Kamala got up finally and put on her heels as she walks out of the room joining the staff up front to reconvene when Kamala almost tripped over and fell until Yasmine caught her in time.

"You okay, my beautiful lotus." Yasmine looked at Kamala deep in her eyes as the two never broke contact.

"Y-yes, I'm okay..."

*clears throat*

"Baby you okay?" I asked her as Kamala came back into her senses and then grabs ahold of my hand as me and Yasmine held her up.

"You gotta be careful walking while pregnant especially in heels ma'am, don't want your pretty self beautiful as you are as a Vice President to get hurt." Yasmine lastly said before heading back up the front. By the look of things, it seems like she was flirting with my wife. But, I could be wrong.

Or could it be....

"Let me get the converse shoes out for you to wear." I said walking out the room the retrieve the shoes.

"Alex, you alright -" She asked as I cut her off.

"I'm fine, just don't worry about it." I said handing her the shoes she needs to wear. After she started wearing them, I walked with her closely to the front, holding her hand. Now that she's 7 months pregnant, and her stomach is big, this is the first and sudden time I saw her stumble. The weight of caring a baby and walking at the same time is very difficult for her. At least she'll be able to rest up by the time we get there and back.

"There's the second couple. Get ready to get buckled up because we're almost there and soon to land." Jennifer said as everyone got seated again.

"We're finally gonna meet two most important people, the prime minister and Queen Elizabeth is actually gonna join us in two days from now." Doug exaggerated happily while drinking a cup of coffee.

"The Prime minister's wife is also expecting a baby too so Kamala can get some motherly tips from her."

"I guess your right, that is a great idea. Plus while we're there, this gives us enough time to get to know everyone and gather some very important information." Kamala said as she rubbed her stomach.

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