New Beginnings ~

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The war had ended and Sasuke had finally returned to Konoha. Naruto had done it. He brought him back, just like he swore he would. Everything seemed to be going to the brighter end. All the villages were at peace. Madara was gone and Lady Kaguya was sealed away. Konoha was being rebuilt. The truth about the Uchiha massacre was brought to light, despite Itachi's wish of keeping it hidden. The world had to know about the wrongdoings of Danzo and the council. People had to acknowledge the sacrifices he had made and all for the village's sake. Pride came second to everything he had gone through. Itachi became a legend. Things were finally starting to get normal.  And to make things better, it was finally the day.

The day when the two war heroes were getting discharged. 

The hospital was awfully quiet today, considering the fact that the villagers visited the place just to see the face of their savior, Naruto, almost everyday. There wasn't too big of a crowd outside. Inside the room where Sasuke and Naruto were being treated, quite a few people had gathered. 

" So are we clear of the arrangement? " Lady tsunade asked, rather in a serious-cum-worried tone.

" Of course Baa-chan! "

" I was talking to Sasuke actually. " she crossed her arms and looked at the raven-head. " Since the elders have decided to clear all your charges because of your contributions to the war, they have also put on the condition that you need to be staying with Naruto till you can prove everyone that you're not a threat anymore. "

" Hm "

" So are you willing to comply? "

" Do I have a choice? " Sasuke asked in a monotone voice, looking at Tsunade. 'Not that I'll mind living with the dobe. He saved me after all.'

", you don't " 

" Then yes. I'll stay with him. I need to start fixing things. " He closed his eyes and had a small unnoticeable smile lingering on his lips. But that didn't go unnoticed by the blonde.

He grinned wide and with his new arm, pulled Sasuke into a side hug. " You're actually happy that you get to cohabit with the great Naruto, aren't you teme? "

Lady Tsunade was sipping on a glass of water that Shizune had brought her. And as soon as the word 'cohabit' left his mouth, she choked on her water and started coughing. Kakashi raised his head from his Icha-Icha and Sakura face-palmed. An irk mark appeared on Sasuke's forehead with an embarrassed blush as he used his only arm to strangle his best friend, who he was going to 'cohabit' with.

" You loser! Don't say stuff like that!! "

" Why shouldn't I? You are happy to cohabit with me, I know you are!! " 

" Say 'sharing an apartment' dobe!! " 

As they coninued, Lady Tsunade sighed and turned to Shizune " Let's get out of here. Sakura can handle their discharge " 

" Yes my lady. "

" Don't worry about them Tsunade-sama. I'll handle it. "

Well, that's that. From this day on, the two of them were supposed to be living together. A perfect plan or a disaster? No one knew. But one thing was certain, this was a new beginning, or rather, their new beginning. 

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