What on earth is this feeling...!

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(Warning: Contains a little bit of mature stuff )

Sasuke was currently inside an empty public washroom. He had locked himself inside a cubicle and was sitting on the toilet cover.

" Shit..! " he muttered under his breath. His breath was heavy and his face was flushed. He pressed his lips tight to form a thin line as he slowly unbuckled his pants.

" I'm totally screwed.. " he whispered slowly as he slipped his pants down and tugged on his boxers. As soon as a pull was applied, his proud and already rock-hard member thrived up. It was already dripping wet with pre-cum. He kept cursing as he remembered the feeling of a certain someone's clothed womanhood pressed against his clothed manhood just minutes ago.

" I-It's your f-fault... Naruto... " He uttered as he slowly started stroking his member up and down. " His breathing hitched and voice trembled before letting out his best friend's name in a way he never would have imagined before. " N-Naruto.... hah~ " He never thought that his teasing would create an even tougher situation for him in the end. He ended up releasing a lot by the time he was done. Who would've thought that imagining his best friend would be the best turn on for him?


He pulled her closer as their lips danced in perfect harmony. She had long waited for this moment. So long. And it was finally here. Just him and her.

The kiss was intense and so very passionate. Their lips refused to pull apart from one another. Sasuke looked perfect and the way his lips were devouring hers, made Naruto's heart flutter and her mind dance in ecstasy. She wanted him to go even further. More. She wanted more of him. And the same was with Sasuke. He gently nibbed on her lower lip asking for an entry which she very eagerly allowed. And in seconds, Sasuke's tongue was swirling inside Naruto's mouth, tasting every inch of it. His one hand was rested on her hips pressing her onto him, her clothed womanhood pressed against his quite noticible bulge. And his other hand was first behind her head which slowly came down and down and was now squeezing her right breast. His finger brushed against her nipple, earning him a soft moan from Naruto who had already melted into his kiss. Her arms were tightly wrapped around his neck, asking for more. He kept squeezing and playing with her breast as he continued kissing her hungrily. Then slowly separating their lips, he started laying kisses on her cheek, then down her neck and on her collarbone, covering her with love marks.

Then slowly he leaned forward and brushed his lips against her ear, whispering softly " You're mine, Naruto ~ " " Sa-Sasuke.. I-I.... " " I know "
And with that he layed another kiss on her forehead and went on to unbutton her shirt. After removing the unnecessary clothes that were getting in the way, he started sucking on her right nipple as he fondled the other. Naruto's moans were the only thing reaching his ears as he continued pleasuring her. She was dripping wet down there and was ready anytime. She knew that it was better to go slowly but she blurted out anyways " P-Put it in Sasuke! I want you inside.. please... do it! "

Sasuke was a bit taken aback by the change of her demeanor. But he complied and pulled down her panties, only to reveal a completely drenched pussy, begging for something to fit inside. He touched her clit and slowly started rubbing on it. Slowly he slid in one finger and then another, scissoring her insides. And just that was enough to earn amazing moans from Naruto.

" Are you really gonna be okay, you're really tight here "

" Pl-please Sa-sasuke... Just put it in... " she begged.

Sasuke smiled and revealed his hard cock, pressing it against her entrance. But before thrusting in, he leaned in for kiss and then he asked for her approval, one final time, if she was really sure about that. " Are you sure about this, Naruto? "

" Of course.. Please be quick.. "

He leaned against her ear and smirked " Let me rephrase that. Are you sure you want to have sex with me? With Sasuke? We're best friends Naruto. You really want to cross that line ~ "

And so with a flash, Naruto jolted up from her bed, breathing heavily and her eyes wide open. She looked around. It was her room in the apartment the two teammates shared. Then she looked down at her clothes. They were still on. She immediately shut her mouth tight with one of her hands and tried to even her breathing. Her face was flushed red. Her nipples were perked up and her panties were soaking wet.

A dream!

She had just had a wet dream about Sasuke!

" What the hell is this...? I just.... with Sasuke..... my best friend...... "

After a few minutes ~

Naruto had already taken a bath to clear her head and divert her attention from a certain raven-head and now she was lying flat on her stomach, snuggling against her pillow. And that's when she heard the front door open. 'He's back' she thought.

Sasuke had already entered the apartment and was headed towards his room. He had regained his stoic composure but was a little disappointed hat Naruto was in her room and not waiting for him.

He slowly walked upto his room and shut the door after him. Pressing his back towards the door, he dropped down and hugged his knees.

Naruto realised that Sasuke was home. Just imagining his face made her remember every inch of her dream. Immediately shaking her head to get those thoughts out, she squeezed the pillow tighter.

'Just what on earth is this feeling..!? ' the two of them questioned.

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