Start of a journey!

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Sasuke observed Sakura for a moment. He probably had a hunch on what Sakura was going to say. And he knew that he shouldn't lead Sakura on. He had to make things clear with her, and sooner the better. And now that Sakura herself had brought on this topic, it seemed like the best chance.

" Okay. Let's go now. I also have some things to discuss with you. " Sasuke replied, getting up from his seat.

Sakura brightened up and nodded. " Okay, I'll see you there! You take your time! " she exclaimed before leaving the restaurant.

Naruto hadn't spoken a word. He kept staring at his now empty plate wondering if it would be better for Sasuke to choose Sakura or not.

Sasuke called for the waiter and paid for the food. Then he walked over to Naruto and bent down to meet her eyes.

" Hey, do you mind if I leave just for a second. I'll be back soon and then we'll leave for our mission, 'kay? "

Naruto didn't want him to go. At all. Yet she nodded " Okay. Be back soon please. "

Sasuke smiled and kissing the side of her head, he left real quick.

Naruto had a small blush on her cheeks and a huge pout on her lips. " Why would he go to her and leave me alone... Bad Sasuke... "

But then other thoughts took over her mind. What if Sasuke actually accepts her confession. What if they become a happy couple? What will she do then..?

She immediately got up and rushed towards the old bridge, where they used to wait for Kakashi sensei for missions during the academy days.

Once Naruto reached the spot, she found a hiding spot for herself. She hid herself on top of a tall tree, neither too close nor too far from where Sasuke and Sakura stood. The perfect spot for eavesdropping!

Sasuke was leaned to the bridge-railing and Sakura stood in front of him. She looked kinda shy and was fiddling. She looked nervous as well.

" So... well.... " Sakura began.

" Look Sakura actually... "

" No wait! Let me finish first. "

Sasuke nodded and waited for her to speak. Although he knew what she was going to stay and he also knew his answer wasn't going to change.

For him, it was always going to be Naruto.

" Well, during the academy days, like every other fan girl, I too was obsessed with you. More like, I chased after you so you would like me back. I was like, if I get to be with the hottest and the most amazing guy, it really would be amazing. Back then it seemed really easy. But gradually, I started realising that these feelings were a lot stronger than what I thought. From what I thought was a crush, these feelings grew when we went on team missions and I started liking you for real. Not the obsession type of like, something different. " Sakura started explaining.

" And when you were about to leave the village and I tried to stop you, I even blurted out that I was in love with you. I don't know how much of it I actually meant it or maybe I said that because I didn't want you to leave me. But I have my answer now. "

" Over the years, when you did all those bad things, I thought maybe this way, I'll be able to get rid of these feelings. I even strategized a plan to kill you but my feelings stopped me. They had grown way too strong to just let you go. I know now, what it is. And I'm sure of it. " she paused and took a deep breath and looked him in the eye.

" Sasuke Uchiha, I'm in love with you! "

And that was exactly what Naruto had feared. Sakura had finally said it. But what about Sasuke!? Did he feel the same for her..?

Love you Forever [Sasuke x Naruto]Where stories live. Discover now