Not messing around..!!

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The mission went on smoothly. The two of them had picked up the trail left behind by the troublemakers and had quickly caught on. Now currently, Sasuke was busy trying up those ninjas to a big tree in order to interrogate them while Naruto observed them vividly. They didn't even put much of a fight.

The two of them had made sure that the ninjas were unconscious but what they didn't see was that one had gained consciousness. This one guy pretended to be out, while he performed some hand signs and muttered out something, that went completely unnoticed by Sasuke and Naruto.

Naruto was lost in his thoughts,probably chatting away with Kurama while Sasuke continued his job tying them up. After he was finished, he began " Hey Naruto, I'm done tying them up. Would you like to do the interrogat......... "

He would have continued but what he saw next when he turned around cut him short.

An irk mark appears on Sasuke's forehead with a small blush
" Just what do you think you're doing using THAT jutsu now of all times!? "

Naruto stared at him wide-eyed, not quite understanding what he meant.
" Huh..!? What do you..... "

Naruto's POV ~

What did Sasuke mean doing that jutsu? What jutsu..?
" Huh..? What do you..... " Wait, my voice... what happened to my voice..!? Why do I sound like a girl..!? And wait.... my clothes, why do they feel so loose and.... God no! What are these on my chest..!? I'm dreaming.... this has to be a dream... I am a girl..!? But I didn't perform the sexy jutsu then how..?
Wait I'll try to remove it...
Tries undoing the jutsu
Why... Why is it not working? No no no.... Yeah Sasuke... he must know what to do!

" Hey, Sasuke! Help me.. I'm not doing any jutsu. I don't know what happened, but I am not able to come back to normal. What should I do? "

" Honestly dobe! We don't have time for your jokes! I get that this was a boring mission but stop messing around! "

" I'm not messing around! " Why wouldn't he believe me?

Third person's POV ~

Sasuke was certain that Naruto was messing around and he was annoyed that the dobe wasn't taking his missions seriously, although this female Naruto looked nothing like the sexy jutsu he always performed.This one was dressed and she had soft features. Round face, pouty lips, puffed up cheeks. Two pretty long blonde pigtails, short body frame and shrunken height. 'Naruto must have upgraded his sexy jutsu. The new version sure is cute and adorable.' Sasuke thought. But little did he know that Naruto was not playing around.

" I'm not messing around! " Naruto protested.

" Whatever dobe, just change back.. " Sasuke sighed and turned to look at the unconscious shinobi who were tied to the tree. The shinobi who was conscious, had a small smirk on his face as he played along. 'Since you already caught up to us, I'll be leaving you with a little parting gift. Hahaha enjoy. Sasuke Uchihahe thought.

Naruto bit his lip, frustrated that his best friend wasn't believing him. He decided that that was the only way now.
He hurried over to where Sasuke was and grabbed his hands, turning him around to face him. Then she placed his hands over her newly formed C-cup breasts and gave them a little squeeze using his hands with her hands on top of his. With a flushed face, she looked up at him and said, pouting " Do they feel fake to you? "

Sasuke was silent. It took him quite a while to comprehend what was happening. His hands squeezing Naruto's ........ There was no damn way they were fake. They were soft and nice to touch and the little perked up nipples had sent his mind to a frenzy. Plus Naruto's blushing face and the pout. He didn't know that Naruto could make a face like that. But before any more comprehending, a gush of blood flew out of his nose and he passed out. The great Uchiha had just been rendered helpless due to a major nosebleed.

Sasuke's POV ~

" Whatever dobe, just change back.. " I sigh and turn to look at the tied up shinobi, thinking what I must do with them since Naruto was busy upgrading his nuisance of a jutsu and definitely wasn't planning on interrogating them.

But before I realise what was happening, I see Naruto's face close to mine, completely flushed and his lips forming a pout. Almost adorable. But that wasn't the issue here. I feel myself touching Naruto's breasts. 'Wait what...? What was he thinking grabbing my arms and making me grope him. Even if he's a guy, right now he's a girl and I'm.... shit! This.... this is how it feels to..... god no, stop thinking like that! But they're kinda soft.... and nice. Wait is that.....? ' Before I finish my thoughts, I feel my face heating up and the blood rushing to my face. And then black! I feel wet near my nose. Was it blood? Did I get a nosebleed....... And my thoughts go blank as I fall unconscious.

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